I've never understood people who play up the artifice of music.

The truest expression of a people is in its dances and its music. Bodies never lie.

I like lots of Korean music that most people have probably never heard of. I also enjoy hip hop.

I want to make my music a genre that people can immediately identify: something that never existed.

I've never believed in cheapening music by going according to what some people think is public taste.

I've never commercialized my music. I've seen that ruin too many people who think two-minute ditties are the answer.

A lot of people say I got my own sound. I ain't never really got no comparisons. When people hear my music, they be like, 'He got his own lil sound.'

I've never been too concerned with what I'm wearing, and that probably makes a lot of people angry, but I let the music do the talking and let the image be what it's going to be.

We want people to know that classical music is for everyone. A parent or kid might be terrified of this music, but after they come to us, they'll never be scared of classical music again.

My tastes went all over the place, from Strauss to Mahler. I was never a big Wagner or Tchaikovsky fan. Benjamin Britten, Tallis, all the early English Medieval music, Prokofiev, some Russian composers, mostly the people that were the colorists, the French.

I don't think people really do listen. We plug into music, and we have short attention spans. We tend to download individual tracks from iTunes rather than a whole album. We buy music DVDs and watch them once, and then they disappear into a drawer, or we loan them to a friend, and we never watch it again.

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