Digital music boils down the actual musical experience.

Our live shows are a visual as well as a musical experience.

The most consistent musical experience I had growing up was church music.

The extras are a nice bonus feature, but the main incentive is the musical experience.

Going through this musical experience really helped us to understand the core of the film.

I listen mostly to live music, and mostly my musical experience was playing music with other people.

Piano playing is a dying art. I love the fact that I can be one guy with one instrument evoking an emotional and musical experience.

The goal of serious musicians is to play outside of yourself. That's most likely with people who suggest things that are outside your musical experience.

I would write songs, inspired by my baby, but then I could tell that my baby was also responding to the music. It was just kind of an amazing musical experience.

I would have to say I might do some stuff, but it's the film that's appealing. I was raised on film. My musical experience is all via film, it's not from classical music.

We are increasingly likely to find ourselves in places with background music. No composers have thought to write for these modern spaces, which represent 30% of our musical experience.

Our last jam session was this past Christmas. Dad played his harmonica, mom sang in English and Italian, and I played guitar. I'm so happy that we could share that musical experience for one last time.

You don't go see Primus to see what kind of new clothing I'm wearing or what my new hairdo is. You come to see Primus for the musical experience and the visual experience. I think, anyways. Maybe I'm wrong!

I've always felt a great affinity with music. I've felt myself to be more of a musician than anything else, though I'm not proficient in any one instrument. But I think I have a musical sense of things... and writing seems to me to be a musical experience - rhythmically and in many other ways.

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