I don't think I'm that intellectual.

But theatre is always a difficult experience.

Acting is a way of living out one's insanity.

When I hear myself, I don't know how I sound.

Sometimes, an actress maybe knows how to think.

A film is the reflection of the soul of its creator.

Sometimes over the years, you know, things come to surface.

I don't have time, because I still have so many films to see.

One job is to be an actor, the other job is to be a spectator.

I never had any barriers coming from my family. Just encouragement.

Sometimes maybe children also fulfill their parents' secrets desire.

I never wondered whether I should be a stage actress or a movie actress.

Perhaps Europeans are a bit more skeptic whereas Americans are more believers.

But on the whole, nothing requires unbearable energy for me, it's just a normal thing.

To be "here and now," in principle, is just for once. And then you have to repeat that.

Going through this musical experience really helped us to understand the core of the film.

The big problem in the world is when people are forced to be in a totally foreign context.

I was the youngest of five, and I think my mother always knew I was meant to be an actress.

My mom's a Catholic, and my dad's a Jew, and they didn't want anything to do with anything.

I did a film very quickly, and then a lot of work for television, and then I did stage work.

When you come to do the film, it is not the time to wonder why you do it. It's just how to do it

When you come to do the film, it is not the time to wonder why you do it. It's just how to do it.

We all pretend to be very strong, and then in a fraction, you can just break down, at least for me.

For a long time I have compared cinema to music, I think cinema has a lot to do with the rhythm of music.

By definition, acting is improvisation, even if you follow the lines. You invent what you do, when you do it.

You don't want to cry over yourself, you don't want to have compassion about yourself. It's not the right place.

There are many different ways of being funny. I'm not sure that there's so many different ways of being dramatic.

Like all school students, I think I did a play in my school. The common things, I would say. Nothing really exceptional.

Some roles are easier to choose, some roles are more difficult because they are more daring. Sometimes you have to dare.

Am I an intellectual? I don't think so. Less than people sometimes think, I have to say. But more than some others think.

I know some real intellectual people who might laugh, very close friends who might laugh when I'm said to be an intellectual.

I always thought that's the exact metaphor, the perfect metaphor for acting. To go blind, to ignore the danger, and to totally trust.

I saw Chekhov a number of times in English, and I thought that it translates very well in English, for some reason, from the Russian to the English.

For an actress there is no greater gift than having a camera in front of you, listening to the most beautiful music in the world and just being looked at!

I think that a sense of humor of an actor comes through most of the time. Maybe some actors have less than others, and I have it, I think. It's my nature.

A script is a very rough material in a way. Whatever questions you might have regarding the script, you might find the beginning of the answers in the book.

In a very complex way, things have improved in the dramatic field. Before you had the good and the bad and you couldn't mingle them. Now it's more ambiguous.

But someone like Claude Chabrol tries to make a connection between the society in which we live and the social reasons which make monsters out of some people

But someone like Claude Chabrol tries to make a connection between the society in which we live and the social reasons which make monsters out of some people.

Of course you have to create the conditions of a certain belief. And maybe ignoring something that you don't want to see, at least for the time of the shooting.

The Greeks already understood that there was more interest in portraying an unusual character than a usual character - that is the purpose of films and theatre.

I think being an actress is more how to cope with the fact that you can't do anything else than to express a talent. It's a way of being untalented for anything

I think being an actress is more how to cope with the fact that you can't do anything else than to express a talent. It's a way of being untalented for anything.

I was raised and I was going to school in the suburbs of Paris. And so we, I didn't really go to the riots, to the barricade. I was too young, actually. Rather young.

If on paper one would say, "You're gonna spend three weeks in Death Valley," you say, "No, I'm not going to be able to." Very often, very quickly you forget about it.

The choosing of a role is so difficult for me. That's the real challenge: to choose the role, not to do the role. Once you've chosen them, the process is much easier.

For me, making films is like being on vacation, it's a nice walk. But theatre is like mountaineering. You never know whether you're going to fall off or make it to the top.

I like to take these unusual characters and then make them as normal as possible, because we all know that the tragedy and the abnormal always hides itself behind the normal.

It was sometimes 60 degrees [Celsius], but it's very strange, cinema makes you forget reality most of the time. You are more concerned about your inner feelings, or your work.

Balzac, you know, our great Balzac, he wrote interesting things about how in literature you keep distance in order to express great feelings. You have to keep a distance - and it's exactly the same with acting.

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