For me, playing the game of football, obviously there's a lot of emotions going on. But I always like to keep calm and just be myself.

I've always tried to be a complete athlete and not limit myself to one position or one sport. It really helped mold my whole football game.

The things that are happening to me are unbelievable. I'm actually busier right now than when I played football. This is almost like I'm coming back out of retirement. It will be fun to see myself in the game.

Anytime we lose a game, you can't point the fingers at the guy that everybody wants to point the finger at because it's not just him. It's 10 other guys on the football field that need to help him out, including myself.

I'm not here to propel myself into the limelight. I'm here to win a football game. If I am propelled into the limelight, I want it to be because of what I do on the football field, not because of some grand marketing strategy.

The football field was a place where I could express myself and just be me. Play the game as well as you can and that's what you're judged on. Not the colour of your skin, or your beliefs, or the conversation you have around racism.

In football, you never know. There could be one or two injuries that crop up and you may be needed so I always try to prepare myself as though I will be playing in the next game or that I need to be available - that's my philosophy, even when I'm not 100 per cent.

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