Pakistan is not a unified country.

In Pakistan politics is hereditary.

Pakistan always play well in England.

I am not anti-west, I am PRO PAKISTAN

My whole identity comes from Pakistan.

Pakistan fans are crazy about cricket.

Playing for Pakistan was such a huge dream.

I am chairman of the Pakistan People's Party.

Pakistan is an old ally of the United States.

Allow the Taliban to open offices in Pakistan

Pakistan is a peace-loving, democratic country.

A war with Pakistan would be an utter disaster.

Pakistan is the most dangerous country on Earth.

Afridi has been a wonderful player for Pakistan.

Pakistan without Ajmal is like car without engine

There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.

Everyone's target is to improve Pakistan's cricket.

We woke up one day, and Pakistan had nuclear weapons.

No one goes to Pakistan to make movies. You stick out.

I did my wholehearted effort to lift Pakistan cricket.

My country is India but my motherland remains Pakistan.

Every time we play for Pakistan, we are playing to win.

No peace will arrive unless the U.S. or Pakistan want it.

I don't recall Pakistan ever mixing sports with politics.

Pakistan has always supported other countries by touring.

Military or dictatorial rule is not good for our Pakistan.

The aim is to be the best for Pakistan across all formats.

I hope I can make Pakistan proud by bringing home an Oscar.

It has been an honour to lead Pakistan at the highest level.

Bangladesh is not India, Pakistan, South Africa or Australia.

India and Pakistan should fight only in the field of economy.

Our commitment for the cause of Pakistan is based on honesty.

The only negative thing in Pakistan is not having a democracy.

For Pakistan to do well in the ODIs, that's my first priority.

People of Pakistan want only development, prosperity, and peace.

Terrorism is partly linked to people who have no jobs in Pakistan.

I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan.

Pakistan is my home; I don't want to feel harassed in my own home.

I am fully aware that cricket is like a second religion in Pakistan.

Look, I'm an A-list actress in Pakistan. I work with only A-listers.

There is no more dangerous country in the world today than Pakistan.

People should learn more about Malala and about her life in Pakistan.

I am the sole example of what the IRCA has done for Pakistan cricket.

The safe haven that al-Qaida has found in Pakistan is very troubling.

I am planning to return and contest the October elections in Pakistan.

From a social networking point of view, Pakistan is not very far away.

If you can't field you can't play for Pakistan. It's as simple as that.

My memories of playing against Pakistan have been happy times for India.

I have to say that I have developed a real passion for Pakistan cricket.

Every Mussalman should serve Pakistan honestly, sincerely and selflessly.

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