I am basically a private person.

In Pakistan politics is hereditary.

I am not anti-west, I am PRO PAKISTAN

Allow the Taliban to open offices in Pakistan

Because I'm anti-war, I've been called pro-Taliban.

Terrorism is you winning hearts and minds of people.

The more you study, the more you know; how less you know.

The team which handles the pressure best, carries the day.

But I don't need to use politics as a way of making money.

Without liberty I have nothing left to use except my body.

I wanted to be an outstanding player, that was my ambition.

Compromise for your Dream but NEVER Compromise on your Dream.

The only negative thing in Pakistan is not having a democracy.

Just give it everything you've got and bowl as fast as possible.

If your house is burning, wouldn't you try and put out the fire?

But ultimately it comes down to how the team performs on the day.

Personally I don't think solving corruption is such a big problem.

In fact the experience at Oxford has really helped me later in life.

What I perceive, is above all justice, where everyone has the same law.

So for us any gain we had in election, one vote that we got, was a win.

I believed in myself. I never imagined myself as just an ordinary player.

The future of Indo-Pak cricket will depend on how the peace process goes.

Pakistan needs to have decentralisation and a good local government system

Pakistan needs to have decentralisation and a good local government system.

We are not going to succeed because Taliban are masters of guerrilla warfare

But having set myself these goals, I had to work really hard to achieve them.

There can only be democracy when money is not allowed to be spent in Politics.

Win or lose today I am proud of the way my boys have played in the tournament.

At the moment we have a ruling class that has one law and the people the other.

I want my team to play like a cornered tiger...when it's said it's most dangerous

You all have to make a new Pakistan. Naya Pakistan is not a slogan - it's a belief.

If you have political reform in the Islamic world, the spiritual reform would follow.

If there is one venue where Pakistan can beat Australia, then Adelaide is that ground

When I came into politics I always thought there was a possibility I would be killed.

I feel an independent accountability commission should audit all government services.

It is not defeat that destroys you,it is being demoralized by defeat that destroy you.

It's more important to try to do something for the crores of poor people of my country.

I want you all to stand like the Muslims who stood with La ilaaha ilalla for Truth and Right

I have fruit trees. Cows for fresh milk, yoghurt. My own wheat. I'm basically self-sufficient.

I have always believed that one should not be scared of losing, I think that really is the key.

Lack of rule of law is the main reason Pakistan could not join the ranks of progressive nations.

Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled.

During my 21 years of playing cricket, I have never been approached by anyone or offered a bribe.

I want to have a president in the U.S. who tries to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world.

The team that is going to win is the one that does its homework the best by studying its opponents.

Talent or intelligence doesn’t matter, Its your dreams that will decied how big a person you will become

I did not lose this election, or had a bad result compared with what we might have got because of Islam.

Colonialism deprives you of your self-esteem and to get it back you have to fight to redress the balance.

And when the pressure was on us, the team handled it very well. One has to learn to play well under pressure.

The Westoxified Pakistanis have been selling their souls and killing their own people for a few million dollars.

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