Mobs have passions, not brains.

I have a passion to do theater.

Passions are the gales of life.

Racing is a calling, a passion.

A great passion has no partner.

Unbeing dead isn't being alive.

He who thinks little errs much.

I guess passion keeps me going.

Passion is born of vague hopes.

Reason is the slave of passion.

Calm of mind, all passion spent.

I'm an actress. It's my passion.

Do not find peace. Find passion.

Rest in reason. Move in Passion.

Music is my life and my passion.

Passion is the genius of genius.

People like passion in politics.

Judiciary is where my passion is.

Principle is a passion for truth.

Passion is the genesis of genius.

Even the President needs passion.

Meat has become a passion for me.

Passion pursues; love surrenders.

Zeal will do more than knowledge.

You must have a passion to coach.

The secret of passion is purpose.

The Soul is a house...Let it burn!

Love is only one of many passions.

Tenderness is the rest of passion.

Do it with passion, or not at all.

Passion is like genius: a miracle.

If you don't have passion, change.

True passions do not deprive love.

Acting has always been my passion.

Art is a passion or it is nothing.

I am happy in my prison of passion

I have such a passion for theatre.

Let passion drive your profession.

Passion + Persistence = Possibility

But my biggest passion is football.

But my biggest passion is football.

Nothing is as important as passion.

Passion for work is very important.

Unrest of spirit is a mark of life.

Passion + production = performance.

I'd rather not sing than sing quiet.

Dance has been a big passion for me.

Passion and strife bow down the mind

Without passion, there is no genius.

life without love, is no life at all

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