People who lead a lonely existence always have something on their minds that they are eager to talk about.

There was always talk that the Horrors didn't have any substance but I think they're proving people wrong.

People always talk about the lyrics of Leonard Cohen, but I like his melodies. They are very defined and original.

When I talk to people, I always try to figure out what their talents are, what is wonderful about the person. You do the same with kids.

People always sit there and talk about 'Talking Smack.' They always bring up the incident of 'Talking Smack.' What did I do on there that was so terrible?

A lot of people don't always know how successful our brand is and we don't ever talk about it. But it's exciting to see the brand resonate so well with people.

People always want to talk about the club, whether it is positively or negatively, and if you play for Liverpool you have got to get used to that as part of the job.

I know that when you talk about something that may hurt someone, reactions are normal, and you are touching some nerves... But I don't do things because people always like what I do.

Whenever people talk about Don and I recording again, which almost everybody usually mentions, I always say 'Well, there's plenty of things that you haven't heard! Plenty of things out there to discover!'

People always talk about first-ballot Hall of Famer and all that stuff, but it doesn't really make a difference. Once you get in there, you're a Hall of Famer. It doesn't matter if you get in on the first, second or third ballot. It's the same thing.

People are always like, 'Did you purposely do something to make people uncomfortable?' And I say the reason why it's uncomfortable is because it's either something that we can't talk about or aren't supposed to talk about, and they're images that aren't ever seen.

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