When things don't go right, people are always trying to protect themselves.

People are always trying to draw simplistic dialectics that can capture things.

People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do.

I've always been fascinated by people, their psychology, what drives them and trying to understand them.

I always notice the dysfunctional dynamic of human relationships because most places where you encounter it, people are trying to pretend it isn't happening.

It's actually reassuring to see people struggling to do our accent instead of us constantly trying to emulate British or American accents, which we are always asked to do.

There are so many people who are trying their luck in films and only a few of those actors get to do films and choose to be an actor. The stakes are always high here. It's hard in the sense that it's very uncertain.

I've always been a defensive wrestler, but when I go in there in the fights, I get so caught up in trying to knock people's heads off that wrestling goes out the window when you're throwing punches and kicks and stuff.

One of the things I really like about racing is that you can't fake it. As an actor, everything is fake. You're always trying to convince people you can do something you can't. And that's the opposite of racing. The stopwatch never lies.

Musically, I'm always gonna take it a little farther, and Lord willing, people are gonna get that and understand that: that there's not really one genre I'm trying to be in, but just as a producer, as a writer, as an artist, that I'm planning on going farther.

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