I have a few personal ambitions for the band.

There's a lot of obsession about people's personal ambitions.

It's okay to have personal ambitions, but you have to take someone with you.

I can't afford to be indifferent to politics, but I don't have personal ambitions.

Queen songs tend to be about very personal things: personal dreams and personal ambitions.

As for my personal ambitions, I always loved playing for England and always felt I did well.

In our personal ambitions we are individualists. But in our seeking for economic and political progress as a nation, we all go up or else all go down as one people.

As an individual I have personal ambitions - scoring goals, giving as many assists as I can but also working hard for the team and doing a job in defence as well. My 'ambitions are for the team and what we can achieve as a whole.

I have no personal ambitions. I consider it a great privilege to have been given an opportunity to serve, through the Congress party, the people of India. I think that itself is a great reward. I have no personal ambitions in that regard.

My actions to promote peace, the mediation missions which I carried out during many conflicts, which very often occurred between brothers of the same country, are not driven by any ulterior motives or any calculations based on personal ambitions.

According to its doctors, my one intransigent desire is to have been a Confederate general, and because I could not or would not become anything else, I set up for poet and beg an to invent fictions about the personal ambitions that my society has no use for.

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