It's a volatile time.

I miss being governor.

I'm fairly accessible.

I have a blessed life.

I used to be a conservative.

Immigrants are more fertile.

I would not have gone into Iraq.

I do a lot of traveling overseas.

Every weapon system has been gutted.

I have a blessed life in so many ways.

I will support the Republican nominee.

You cant just be against the president.

Serious times require strong leadership.

I support high academic standards. Period.

A lot of things in history change over time.

What we have in Washington is total gridlock.

This is a tough business to run for president.

I don't think there's any Bush baggage at all.

I think the voters can make up their own minds.

I think life is precious from beginning to end.

I don't know if I'm a national education figure.

Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.

I would say national security is work in progress.

I have said that Mr. Trump's language is divisive.

I forced myself to go visit Asia four times a year.

We have a wealth of talent in the Republican Party.

Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.

I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.

I get to advocate issues and ideas that I believe in.

I acted on my core beliefs on social issues as governor.

I`m the tortoise in the race, but I`m a joyful tortoise.

We're sticky at the ends and the middle is getting squeezed

There's a lot of obsession about people's personal ambitions.

I kind of miss Donald Trump. He was a little teddy bear to me.

You have to maintain your principles but have a broader appeal.

Donald Trump he wanted casino gambling in Florida. Yes, you did.

We must return conservatives to the majority in the U.S. Senate.

I try to have my voice be heard, but not on a regular basis on TV.

I've had a life experience that's full of warts, full of successes.

I'm getting nervous to be called a centrist. Breaking out in a rash.

We awoke one morning in September, and the world lurched on its axis.

As president, I will keep you and our country safe, secure, and free.

I'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues.

I'd say my greatest weakness is impatience. I don't suffer fools well.

We need a serious leader to deal with this. And I believe I'm that guy.

I don't believe you outsource your convictions and principles to people.

You focus on the things that you can control, and that's what I'm doing.

I think it was hard at first for my dad to transition to being immobile.

I am my own man. I governed as a conservative, and I govern effectively.

In a divided government, you can't just say, 'It's my way or the highway.'

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