He does not praise himself - yet he is respectable.

Faith and philosophy are air, but events are brass.

The finding of God is the coming to one's own self.

If God did not exist, he would have to be invented.

Every show is your last show. That's my philosophy.

Real philosophy seeks rather to solve than to deny.

Education is hanging around until you've caught on.

Have I been wrong? Have I been wise to shut my eyes?

The minute hand moves faster than you think it does.

The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.

People think love is an emotion. Love is good sense.

Love does not rule; but it trains, and that is more.

The approach of liberty makes even an old man brave.

Nobody quite knew what to make of the moon any more.

Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Oddly enough, Bruce Lee wrote some great philosophy.

Not cohabitation but consensus constitutes marriage.

We're afraid to live, because we're afraid of dying.

Everyone should have a philosophy for living better.

Nature does not bestow virtue; to be good is an art.

The mind is furnished with ideas by experience alone

I don't want to be a tree; I want to be its meaning.

Just me and my nuts, that's all I got in this world.

My philosophy? Practice, practice, practice and win.

Who needs the sun, when the rain is so full of life?

Every man has two vocations: his own and philosophy.

Philosophy as well as foppery often changes fashion.

Making itself intelligible is suicide for philosophy.

Is your money that good, will it buy you forgiveness?

I keep living this day like the next will never come.

Have a philosophy of investment and try to follow it.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

Philosophy has its bugbears, as well as superstition.

Poetry must be as new as foam and as old as the rock.

In everything, it is no easy task to find the middle.

he who thinks great thoughts often makes great errors

Mankind likes to think in terms of extreme opposites.

I don't exercise. My philosophy is: No pain, no pain.

Be careful -- with quotations, you can damn anything.

Living safe behind a wall, never tasting life at all.

No philosophy, my son; it is of no use to an emperor.

If love never lasts forever, then what's forever for?

Say, Not so, and you will out circle the philosophers.

My personal philosophy is, you can be sure of nothing.

How charming is divine philosophy! Not harsh and crabb

Who depends upon another man's table often dines late.

I lost my power in the world because I did not use it.

I arm myself with punch lines and a big old water gun.

My fashion philosophy is that if I like it, I wear it.

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