I'm a fly-ball pitcher, guys.

A pitcher is not a ballplayer.

All pitchers are born pitchers.

I'm a good hitter for a pitcher.

I just try to make the pitcher work.

A pitcher is worth a thousand worts.

Most pitchers are too smart to manage.

A pitcher is only as good as his legs.

A pitcher's arm goes, and they're done.

Im a finesse pitcher without the finesse.

I'm like a pitcher. I'm either on or off.

I'm a finesse pitcher without the finesse.

You better be looking for another pitcher.

Nobody ever had too many of them (pitchers).

I never saw a pitcher I didn't feel sorry for.

There is no future for me as a closing pitcher.

I don't know why you would trade a stud pitcher.

I was a thrower. I think I'm more of a pitcher now.

As a pitcher, you can't afford to get too ticked off.

Momentum? Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher.

The Vice Presidency isn't worth a pitcher of warm spit.

A pitcher has to look at the hitter as his mortal enemy.

I'm not really a pitcher; I just play one in the movies.

If a pitcher makes a mistake inside, I'm going to hit it.

I never faced a pitcher with better stuff than Nolan Ryan.

You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain.

In many ways, it is easier to hit a pitcher when he is wild.

A pitcher will never be a big winner until he hates hitters.

I became a better pitcher when I found a delivery in my flaw.

My favorite sport is baseball; my cousin is pitcher Heath Bell.

Every pitcher can beat you, it doesn't matter how good you are.

You don't always make an out. Sometimes the pitcher gets you out.

Half the time, I have trouble following our own pitcher's sequence.

I never compliment the other pitcher. I make my living off pitchers.

The pitcher setting up the batter. It's chess, and you play with it.

If you talk to any pitcher, consistency is the most important thing.

As a catcher, I know the pitcher is trying to get ahead in the count.

I'm a whole new pitcher. I'm more comfortable with all of my pitches.

It takes 20 victories for people to recognize you as a great pitcher.

The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for work that is real.

Everything in the universe is a pitcher brimming with wisdom and beauty.

I'm probably the only relief pitcher who has more saves than strikeouts.

A pitcher's got to be good and he's got to be lucky to get a no hit game.

You can't go out to the mound hobbling and take a pitcher out with a cane.

You can't go out to the mound, hobbling and take a pitcher out with a cane.

A pitcher needs two pitches, one they're looking for and one to cross them up.

In baseball, I was a pitcher, which I hated because there was no action there.

What's important is to get into the pitcher's head: to know what he's made of.

But because I could throw so hard when I got to college they made me a pitcher.

There is no set numerical value you can put on a pitcher. Theyre all different.

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