I know I could never be in a pop band. I honestly have an appalling voice.

We've never been ashamed of the fact we are, first and foremost, a pop band.

It was a fun job but I'd never claim Busted was anything other than a pop band.

The Go-Go's were a frothy pop band. I wanted to do music that had a harder edge.

As much as we were very proud of being a pop band, I know we never felt like we fit into that category.

If you are a pop band, don't say you're a metal band. Poison and Warrant were about as metal as the Backstreet Boys.

The Ramones were American, and I knew about them, and I thought they were interesting. But they were like a pop band to me.

One Direction. Proper pop band. There has to be a band that people want to scream at. I don't think I've ever behaved like a pop star.

I used to have this little punk pop band, and I don't know why we did 'Behind Blue Eyes,' because it's not punk pop. But we did, it was our slow jam.

We are just a rock and pop band, that's what we are. And I believe we recorded the records to feature the songs rather than it being a giant production.

I used to love Kurt Cobain, when he was telling people we're a pop band. People would laugh, they thought of it as good old ironic Kurt. But he wasn't being ironic.

The Busted thing happened when I was 16. I saw an opportunity, took it and it was better than being at school. It was a fun job but I'd never claim Busted was anything other than a pop band.

I mean I like pop music, and I like heavy music and, stuff that I like... the band I've signed on to our label right now; they're called The Sounds. They're kind of like a new-wave pop band.

Magne Furuholmen is a very dear friend of mine. A-ha are a classic pop band and they've got some brilliant songs. I'd say 'The Living Daylights' was one of my favourite Bond tunes: regardless of it being a Bond song, it stands alone as a great piece of music.

Hanson is not the pop band that a lot of people think we are. I think we're a lot more rooted in a lot of music history... we're songwriters, we're singers, we're players first. We're not entertainers, we're not celebrities, and frankly, we don't really want to be.

Maybe I've got to admit that what I did here was enough. I can make some more films. Maybe I'll direct a film. Maybe I'll have my musical put on stage. But nothing, really, to be absolutely honest, competes with making a very successful pop band for 10 years of my life.

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