Who, being loved, is poor?

Who, being loved, is poor?

Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to ...

Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education, health care, political participation and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation.

I just hated poverty.

Complaint is poverty.

The beggarly last doit.

Poverty is unnecessary.

It is a sin to be poor.

I know what poverty is.

Money can't buy poverty.

And plenty makes us poor.

And makes me poor indeed.

By doing good, we do well.

Affluence creates poverty.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Patches are a nun's jewels.

Grind the faces of the poor.

Poverty is a great equalizer

Poverty is the lack of light.

Haiti is in desperate poverty.

There is no virtue in poverty.

Come away; poverty's catching.

Poverty and War have no excuse.

There's no nobility in poverty.

Empty pockets make empty heads.

Poverty is the mother of crime.

Oh, poverty parts good company.

Broke is normal. Why be normal?

Poverty has strange bedfellows.

Poverty is spiritual halitosis.

You are not created for poverty.

Poverty is just a state of mind.

Poverty is the root of all evil.

Poverty consist in feeling poor.

Poverty is the greatest violence.

We need to tackle energy poverty.

I offer you what I have my Poverty

Poverty is the worst form of death.

Poverty makes you work really hard.

It wasn't poverty that drove me on.

My mission is to eradicate poverty.

Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.

Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance

we are slaves to the cost of living.

True poverty does not come from God.

Poverty affects people of all races.

There is for many a poverty of play.

Proper prospecting prevents poverty.

Few save the poor feel for the poor.

Poverty isn’t solved with donations.

The poor are only they who feel poor.

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