You sanctify whatever you are grateful for.

Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.

We can sanctify ourselves in common things. We must do so.

In the face of death, we will continue to choose and sanctify life.

It is the work of God alone to justify, to sanctify, and to glorify.

A good End cannot sanctify evil Means; nor must we ever do Evil, that Good may come of it.

An acknowledged love sanctifies every little freedom; and little freedoms beget great ones.

The children of Israel will not grow up in a state where some of its leaders sanctify hatred. I won't let hate win.

Hallow the body as a temple to comeliness and sanctify the heart as a sacrifice to love; love recompenses the adorers.

The faith by which we live shall never vary in any age . . . for one is the faith which sanctifies the Just of all ages.

God is building Himself in to us, making Himself part of us as the Word rules, dominates and sanctifies our spirit nature.

A saint serves others, knowing that the more one serves, the greater the opportunity for the Spirit to sanctify and purify.

Christians need a time and place to sanctify themselves. It's important to take the time, and early in the morning is a wonderful time to do it.

Lord sanctify us. Oh! That Thy spirit might come and saturate every faculty, subdue every passion, and use every power of our nature for obedience to God.

We do hereby command the Leaders of the Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant Churches to sanctify and have us crowned Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.

If Republicans want to be seen as more compassionate, they should continue to stand proudly for the sanctify of life and marriage. And they should do so without apologizing.

I like how it presented this contradiction because traditionally gay people have been shut out from the church, so 'Sanctify' was claiming a bit of that back and saying, 'My sexuality is holy.'

We expect our leaders to be godlike. But I feel that when people try to sanctify leadership, it puts it out of the realm of regular people. And that's where the greatest leaders come from - from the people.

I was honoured recently to accept the position of president of Mizrachi U.K. I did so because I believe our eternal challenge as Jews is both straightforward and also awash with complexity: How to sanctify the innovations of the modern world in accordance with our eternal Jewish values?

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