I don't know what frightens me more

There's no heart like the Indian heart.

It isn't a secret, unless keeping it hurts.

The truth is a bully we all pretend to like

There are no mistakes. Only new paths to explore.

Food is music to the body, music is food to the heart.

If fate doesn't make you laugh, you just don't get the joke.

A heart isn't something you get. It's something that's born.

Love is the opposite of power. That's why we fear it so much.

There's no believing in God...We either know God, or we don't.

Happiness is a myth. It was invented to make us buy new things.

All you have to do is close your eyes and wait for the symbols.

A man trusts another man when he sees enough of himself in him.

We live on because we can love, and we love because we can forgive.

I think that we all, each one of us, we all have to earn our future.

The most precious gift you can bring to your lover is your suffering.

The burden of happiness can only be relieved by the balm of suffering.

If you make your heart into a weapon, you end up using it on yourself.

Some things are just so sad that only your soul can do the crying for you.

Some of the worst wrongs, were caused by people who tried to change things.

Civilization, after all, is defined by what we forbid, more than what we permit.

Good soldiers are defined by what they can endure, not by what they can inflict.

A lot of bad stuff in the world wasn’t really that bad until someone tried to change it.

You can never tell what people have inside them until you start taking it away, one hope at a time

I don't know what frightens me more, the power that crushes us, or our endless ability to endure it.

when you judge the power that is in a person, you must judge their capacities as both friend and as enemy.

The only force more ruthless and cynical than the business of big politics is the politics of big business.

Praising people behind their back is monstrously unfair, because the one thing you can't defend yourself against is the good that people say about you.

Shantaram is the second in the series of a quartet of novels that I have planned about my life but is the first to be written. The third book is a sequel to Shantaram, the first a prequel.

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