I still hear the world spinning.

I love Pilates, yoga, and spinning.

I'd stop the world from spinning for you

The wheels are spinning in my head all the time.

I crave to die with my hand at the spinning wheel.

The spinning wheel is a symbol of nonviolence for me.

I have called spinning the yajna of this age of India.

The yajna of our age and for us is the spinning wheel.

I try to get in one, one-hour spinning class per week.

As long as the world keeps spinning, I'll keep riffing.

Just a threat of a boycott has got the Russians spinning.

My advice is keep your lips away from the spinning things.

The moon is at her crystal window / Spinning and weaving...

My heart's in really great shape thanks to spinning classes.

The music of the spinning wheel will be as balm to your soul.

My head's a carousel of pictures and The spinning never stops.

India as a nation can live and die only for the spinning wheel.

I do plenty of workouts - HIIT, spinning classes, Pilates, yoga.

We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone.

I claim that in losing the spinning wheel we lost our left lung.

If Casey Stengel were alive today, he'd be spinning in his grave.

The study of Indian economics is the study of the spinning wheel.

Each one of us is a set of shifting molecules, spinning in ecstasy.

Hunger is the argument that is driving India to the spinning wheel.

I hang by a thread, but it is (if I may so speak) of Christ's spinning

The spinning wheel is the auspicious symbol of sharir yajna, body labour.

The spinning wheel is as much a necessity of Indian life as air and water.

The spinning wheel for us is the foundation for all public corporate life.

My heart is drawn backwards and forwards between the spinning wheel and books.

A plea for the spinning wheel is a plea for recognizing the dignity of labour.

The socialism that India can assimilate is the socialism of the spinning wheel.

There were tiny stars behind my eyelids, a whole galaxy of tiny, spinning stars.

One hour spent in spinning should be an hour of self-development for the spinner.

Restore the spinning wheel to its place and you will solve the problem of poverty.

After all, spinning is its own reward. There wouldn't be carousels if it weren't so.

Make me, o lord, thy spinning wheel complete, thy holy word thy distaff make for me.

Only a world spinning out of control could inspire the music and vision we have now.

Every day is different. I've only ever been happy spinning a thousand plates at once.

If we are true servants of the masses, we would take pride in spinning for their sake.

Locke sank into a swoon; The Garden died; God took the spinning-jenny Out of his side.

Hand-spinning is designed to put millions of rupees in the hands of the poor villagers.

The sensation of writing a book is the sensation of spinning, blinded by love and daring.

When I first broke into the acting industry, I taught spinning classes to support myself.

I do regard spinning and weaving as a necessary part of any national system of education.

The spinning wheel is not meant to oust a single man or woman from his or her occupation.

Spinning yarns is a protection against the nuttiness... the greed, the hate all around us.

Nothing can so quickly put the masses on their legs as the spinning wheel and all it means.

I love yoga, pilates, boxing, spinning, and weight lifting and tend to do a mix of them all.

I can do back fists, spinning kicks. I have more options, and I can show the better striking.

Reality had no gears, and you never knew what surprises would come spinning out of its chaos.

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