50 years old is like springtime to me.

Love, you are eternal like springtime.

It was autumn, the springtime of death.

Spring is the time of plans and projects.

Hee that is in a towne in May loseth his spring.

It is always springtime in the heart that loves God.

A man is not a bird, to come and go with the springtime.

It is better to remember our love as it was in the springtime.

To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon.

In this springtime of hope, some lights seem eternal; America's is.

Springtime is at hand. When will you ever bloom, if not here and now?

The sea at springtime.All day it rises and falls,yes, rises and falls.

The Olympic Games are the quadrennial celebration of the springtime of humanity.

Stronger than iron crueler than death sweeter than springtime it lives beyond breath

Every man and every living creature has a sacred right to the gladness of springtime.

You can lose a friend in springtime easier than any other season if you're too curious.

Rise and put on your foliage, and be seen To come forth, like the springtime, fresh and green

Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings.

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.

Satan knows that youth is the springtime of life when all things are new and young people are most vulnerable.

For what is the program of the bourgeois parties? A bad poem on springtime, filled to bursting with metaphors.

Mathematical discoveries, like springtime violets in the woods, have their season which no man can hasten or retard.

The sincerity of the art worker must permeate the song as naturally as the green leaves break through the dead branches in springtime.

This is not the land of my birth, but it is the land for which I hold the greatest affection, and I certainly will come back in the springtime

President Bush said global warming is happening much quicker than he thought, and then his staff pulled him aside and said 'It's just springtime.'

I have always tried to hide my efforts and wished my works to have a light joyousness of springtime which never lets anyone suspect the labors it has cost me.

Every young man's best purchase is his first car, which spells freedom. My first one was a '70 Camaro, springtime gold-over-saddle, a 307 with Hi-jackers and chrome reverse mags.

After the last two years of springtime gas price spikes, nearly everyone in Southeast Wisconsin understands that something is wrong with our gasoline regulation and supply system.

I've lived all over the country - Michigan, California, Texas, New Jersey, Rhode Island and, now, Maine - but I never understood springtime until I spent 25 years farming in the Ozarks.

You have to take springtime on its own terms in the Ozarks: there is no other way. It can't be predicted. It is unsteady, full of promise, promise that is sometimes broken. It is also bawdy, irrepressible, excessive, fecund, willful.

When I was a kid growing up, we had a cherry tree in the backyard, 100 years old. I climbed it, and it gave shade in the summertime and excellent cherries in the late summer. Having cherry blossoms around gives the best springtime vibe ever.

I grew up on a farm, so there were rifles around. Every March around springtime, there's a big hunt that goes on, and you go out and hunt down all the pheasants. I actually never shot the pheasants; I'm not a big fan of killing animals myself.

In the springtime, we have softshell crab from Maryland, which I'd never had until I came to America. In the summer and early fall, we have striped bass, 'stripeys,' which come all the way up the Hudson River but mostly gather in the sound at the tip of Long Island, off Montauk.

The apostle Paul never seemed to exhaust the topic of grace - what makes us think we can? He just kept coming at it and coming at it from another angle. That's the thing about grace. It's like springtime. You can't put it in a single sentence definition, and you can't exhaust it.

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