You just keep shining a light and hoping people will start to pay attention.

We need to create an ecosystem which will make young people want to start their own company.

If people go out and start protests for everything, then entire Tamil Nadu will become a grave yard!

I never card out a movie. You know how people will outline or card? I don't do that. I tend to start with an idea and go.

For a lot of people, I will always be the mall girl, and that's OK. That was my start. But I can do so much more than that.

At some point, I would like to start creating my own things. If people don't write the scripts I like, then I will do my own.

When you start to prioritize hiring likable people within your organization, these likable people will attract other likable people.

When people mention our solo projects, people start guessing: What will Rose do? What will Lisa do? I enjoy watching fans speculate.

I write through improvisation. I never card out a movie. You know how people will outline or card? I don't do that. I tend to start with an idea and go.

There are people who can start having very powerful experiences without taking psychedelics. It can happen against their will. This is a universal phenomenon.

But like Mrs. Ford, I think that the more people realize what a difficult and what an insidious disease it is, the sooner people will start to correct that situation.

You have to be hopeful that people will be more educated in how they buy things, and hopefully more luxury brands will start to think that way on a longer-term basis.

I didn't start out my directorial career with a dance film, as I knew people thought a choreographer will easily make a dance film. And even with a non-dance film, I had delivered a successful film.

The main thing that I learned from editing is that most people, when they're making a film, they start too early into the story. They will try to set up the characters, they will try to establish things before the plot actually starts.

Our aim, during our Presidency in the next six months will be to lead this challenge, to show that Europe can function in a mature and responsible way, to start delivering tangible results that show we are taking people's concerns seriously.

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