The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.

I do a lot of jivamukti yoga; it keeps me supple, strong and focused.

Stretching before and after every workout keeps muscles supple and helps elongate the lines of a ballerina's limbs.

Misfortune had made Lily supple instead of hardening her, and a pliable substance is less easy to break than a stiff one.

That's what being a front man is all about - the idea of having something supple underneath you, that machine that roars and can turn on a dime.

I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. It's always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact it's so supple and sly.

I moisturise my feet every day with Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream, a non-greasy cream which leaves my feet feeling soft and supple instantly.

I'm as strong and supple as a pane of thin glass. I've got too many ailments - left shoulder, left elbow and left wrist - in fact, the whole of the left arm.

I never go to the gym - I can't be doing with it. But I run up and down the stairs, wash my feet in the basin to keep supple, and I don't eat things that have a pulse.

The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking.

Reason is a supple nymph, and slippery as a fish by nature. She had as leave give her kiss to an absurdity any day, as to syllogistic truth. The absurdity may turn out truer.

I am inspired by anything beautiful. Sometime it's a pair of eyes or flowing gorgeous hair, other times it's the sky or a sunset. I've been inspired by supple skin or the texture of a soft shirt.

I have a more personal insight into the importance of core strength because my wife Louise runs a Pilates studio in London. I have enjoyed getting into Pilates. I am not the most supple but I enjoy Pilates more than yoga.

A president, like a college freshman, can't know in advance which questions he'll have to answer or what topics he'll have to master. He has to be flexible, supple, and responsive. He has to be comfortable with multiple-choice.

I was incredibly supple and did gymnastics as well. So half of my injuries are because I am over-supple and the joints could always go that little bit further. But I was happy to push, and I have no regrets. That is important to say.

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

When somebody mentioned yoga for the first time, I just looked at it and thought, 'This isn't for me; it's for an older woman down at the health club trying to get supple.' But I thought, 'No, I can see the benefits there. I've got to embrace it.'

The mineral world is a much more supple and mobile world than could be imagined by the science of the ancients. Vaguely analogous to the metamorphoses of living creatures, there occurs in the most solid rocks, as we now know, perpetual transformation of a mineral species.

What I'm interested in is the fascinating image of young leaders... you know, young people leading in different fields. You see athletes and people in gymnastics, where the requirement is that you are supple and very, very young... 11... and by the time you're 14, you're already over the hill.

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