Don't take things for granted.

I don't take anything for granted.

I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously.

The way to get killed around machinery was to take things for granted.

You are always learning; there is a lot of grey; don't take things for granted.

Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.

We will have to give up taking things for granted, even the apparently simple things.

I just say 'Amen' a lot. It's just about being grateful and never taking things for granted.

Most of us readily take things for granted that at an earlier time remained to be discovered

It's human nature to start taking things for granted again when danger isn't banging loudly on the door.

In Bollywood, once an actor becomes a fairly established name, he or she usually starts taking things for granted.

When you do anything for eight or nine years, you start getting a little comfortable; you start taking things for granted.

I guess the main thing is, you unconsciously take things for granted, and you think the audience is with you, because you're with yourself.

The Tamil audience has accepted me and given me a place to establish myself. I'm not taking things for granted... I've learnt the language.

I feel like sometimes people on television shows can start taking things for granted, or they don't want to be here or something like that.

Say a child raises this beautiful beet. It's going to give her a sense of ownership, and that changes everything. You stop taking things for granted; you become less wasteful.

You've always got to work to your highest ability level. When times are great and restaurants are jamming, that's when some restaurants get sloppy and take things for granted. Never take things for granted.

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