Every thought derives from a thwarted sensation.

I have a message to give to the world, and I shall not be thwarted.

When you are thwarted, it is your own attitude that is out of order.

It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty.

So many financial dreams are thwarted by the failure to act upon good intentions.

Enemies are dispirited when they see you happy. They know their purpose can be thwarted.

Instinct must be thwarted just as one prunes the branches of a tree so that it will grow better.

The need to exert power, when thwarted in the open fields of life, is the more likely to assert itself in trifles.

Nations, like plants and human beings, grow. And if the development is thwarted they are dwarfed and overshadowed.

When life is victorious, there is birth; when it is thwarted, there is death. A warrior is always engaged in a life-and-death struggle for Peace.

Needed reform of the nominating procedures has been thwarted by the individual vested interests of the DNC members in maintaining the maze of primaries and caucuses.

'House of Cards' is full of hypocrites, some ashamed, many proud. There is no silver lining here, no appeal to a just system that is temporarily thwarted by corrupting forces.

Opponents of civil liberties contend the NSA data collection has made our country more safe, but even the most vocal defenders of the program have failed to identify a single thwarted plot.

Like me as a teen - and like many teenagers now - my characters are at a peculiar crossroads in their lives. They desperately seek freedom. But at the same time, they are constantly thwarted.

We tried our best for the longest time to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the matter, and at each step, we were thwarted by those that said, No, we will not turn the boy over to his father.

In the perception of the incongruous stimuli, the recognition process is temporarily thwarted and exhibits characteristics which are generally not observable in the recognition of more conventional stimuli.

There's a very delicate but important contract that a Royal has with the British public and it's this: Most people don't mind paying for the Royals as long as those Royals live a miserable, thwarted existence full of horrible compromise.

I enjoy acting now more than I ever have. I've had lots of difficult times when I was younger, but that was all tied up with thwarted ambition. It's hard being a young actor, because you don't realise until later that it's only ever about doing the work.

You know, I sure hope this alt-left movement doesn't succeed because, I sure don't want to live in a world where success is punished - and ambitions are thwarted by big government. That is not the American way - and, it's certainly not a path for success.

Bottom line is, you're not going to win the war against terrorism without the help of Muslims... as well as Hindus and a lot of other groups. That's a no-brainer. Many attacks have been thwarted because of information coming from people of different faiths.

Western countries are thoroughly accustomed to being the centre of global attention, which they have come to regard as their natural birthright. Not so China. It was thwarted in its attempt to hold the 2000 Olympics, which, as a result of American-led pressure, was awarded to Sydney.

As any of us approaches middle age, we inevitably come up against our limitations: the realization that certain dearly-held fantasies may not be realized; that circumstances have thwarted us; that even with intention and will we may not be able to set our ship back on the course we'd planned.

In Henry Adams, I discovered not only the prototype of the modern thinker but also someone who is more interesting: a viper-toothed, puling, supercilious crank, thwarted in ambition, aging gracelessly, mad at the cosmos, and ashamed of his own jejune ideals. He is nevertheless very dear to me.

Microsoft first entered the living room with Ultimate TV way back in 2000 - a year before Apple's first iPod was announced. Ultimate TV offered consumers a DVR and supporting online services, including 14 days of programming and the ability to record 35 hours of programming. Microsoft's reach was then thwarted when Echostar acquired DIRECTV.

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