Any time there's a scandal, we always try and get involved.

I'm a workaholic, I always try to fill my time with projects.

Every time I perform, I always try to have that 'wow' factor.

We always try to make each record a snapshot of the band at that time.

I fail at things all the time. I'm always being told no. I just get back up and try again.

I always like to appreciate any achievement but then try and figure out how to top that the next time.

I think the thing that I always try to do - because it piques my interest - is to play really different parts all the time.

I think I come from a time when all the artists I grew up with and I loved always used to try and push the boundaries, and there doesn't seem so much of that, really.

Republicans always try to paint Democrats as weak on defense. This time, they can't. After all, Mitt Romney's idea of an overseas accomplishment is sending U.S. jobs there.

Typically, I get to the office around eight o'clock. I have a very mixed schedule, and I always try to keep time for things that are not planned. You need time for whatever might pop up in the week.

I always wrote as a vehicle for expression but did not try writing for publication until my mid-thirties, at which time I started writing for magazines. I wrote essays and then short stories, then moved into novels.

Even in the minor leagues, I just said I'll get my little bit of time in here and then get out of here. I was going to try, though. I wasn't going to just give up. I was always going to try. I'm here. I figured I might as well try.

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