Tears for Fears was always very personal, but at the same time, it was always big business, a lot of pressure.

I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it's time America was run like a business.

Entrepreneurs don't write a 100-page business plan and execute it one time; they're always experimenting and adapting based on what they learn.

My sister and I, fortunately, have been in this business for a very long time. Ever since we were 11. Throughout those years, people have always wanted to know our dynamic.

Sharmell was the first woman that I thought about talking to, and if you listen to Sharmell, she thought I hated her the first time we met because I was always all business.

Now I can always be called 'Emmy winner Regina King.' I think that in this business, it must mean something. Every time someone has won an award, and they're announcing them or speaking about them, that prefaces their name.

Scott Coker, I've known him such a long time, he's always been a straight shooter. He's always been very, very respectful towards me. He understands the business. He understands marketing and how to push the fighters to make them superstars in a household environment.

As a Canadian, I feel like we all have a stake in the business here. And no matter how far you stray - and I've been down in L.A. for a long time - no matter how far you stray you have a stake in the state of the business... It really does matter and I'm always rooting for the entire country.

To me, I think I've always carried that type of WWE style with me throughout my career, even before I got here, so the transition hasn't been that difficult. I've been enjoying the transition, to be honest with you, because in my opinion, this business evolves all the time, and it changes all the time.

I was being rejected all the time. Agents would say, 'I don't think you're the type they're looking for.' I was always like, 'You think? I don't want you to think. I want them to think that.' This business is all about someone's opinion, but not the agent or the manager's. How do they know? They're not that person.

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