One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

If you play every time, long balls, you lose possession and you lose momentum. I don't want to be like that.

We've been around long enough and have been to enough award shows to know that it is easy to lose to Phil Collins at any time.

I've spoken to people who have retired once they lost the enjoyment of a long day in the field or going to the gym. If I lose that, it's time to go.

I like Mourinho's sessions: very dynamic, always with the ball. There are no really long sessions or talks. He understands what a footballer needs: twenty minutes, that's it. No time to lose concentration.

Working out another system to replace Newton's laws took a long time because phenomena at the atomic level were quite strange. One had to lose one's common sense in order to perceive what was happening at the atomic level.

You can lose a coach every once in a while. You really need to keep an athletic director because you need a guy that's there consistently for as long a time period as possible because he's managing everybody. He affects everybody and when he leaves, he affects everybody.

You can't play not to lose. You kind of have to put your ego aside and accept the fact that careers are long, and there's gonna be stuff people like and stuff that people don't like, and you try to get better every time, and always put something out that you're proud of. And let the chips fall where they may.

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