If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow ...

If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.

Every time somebody would ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I would always say, 'I want to be on Broadway!'

I needed to grow up and do things all adults do. It was time to stop having everything spoon fed to me. It was about being independent.

Parenting three children at the same time has helped me grow as a filmmaker. It taught me to be more empathetic and understand what people want from me.

The most that hurts is I couldn't see my kids growing up. They grow and go. Most of the time, I'm in training camps. I couldn't see that happening. This hurts me.

The basic idea of retirement income is, to me, to get a check, two checks every month, one from your fixed income and one from equity account. And you want them to grow over time.

You don't just come in and say, 'Bam, I'm mature; I'm the leader.' It took time for me to grow into this and learn how to talk to certain players and how to handle certain situations.

Myths grow all the time. If I was to listen to the number of times I've thrown teacups then we've gone through some crockery in this place. It's completely exaggerated, but I don't like people arguing back with me.

I'm an active and involved senator. It's very difficult to do the job I want to do and spend as much time as I want with my kids... It is time for me to be a father first to them, and I realize as I watch them grow and become young adults that I won't be able to get this time back.

I'm trying to grow more limbs in order to multitask at a greater rate and I'm also investigating the possibilities of cloning. Because nothing would be more useful than having multiples of me, and that way, I could do all of the things I'd like to do in the short amount of time we all have here.

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