When the time is right, I'll start making investments and try to flip my money.

I don't know the time frame exactly, but it's clear they're all going to want to start spending money again.

If you make time each month to give your money some attention, you'll start the next year in fabulous financial shape.

When we cannot find enough extra money for policing, yet we are having huge sums to other countries in aid, it is time to start a serious conversation.

I just don't think there's a lot of support for the woman's voice in cinema, and it becomes really difficult to raise that money and start again every time.

40 seems to be the new 25 in snooker so there is no rush, but I would like to start hitting the time where I'm more stable and regularly hitting the quarters and semis, push on and make some money.

You can just start shooting things and see how it goes. But time is still money, so you have to know when you are finished. It's not like painting a picture which you could go on refining for 20 years - with a film you have to stop at some point, and that is no bad thing.

I want to save up money. This is probably long-term, but I for sure want to get into real estate and flip houses and start doing stuff like that. So I'm saving money. And, you know, being a kid at the same time. I want people to know I'm literally just a 16-year-old punk who's trying to hang out with some homies on the weekends.

A startup job is an investment, after all: Venture capitalists may wager money, but you're staking something more precious - your time. And unlike VCs, you can't spread your risk by betting on a bunch of companies at once. Start with TAM. That's 'total addressable market,' and if it's not big enough, there's no point in talking.

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