I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time.

I myself feel that I'm a well-rounded player and got a lot better defensively and without the puck as time has gone on.

It was horrible having to watch myself on TV. I think I would have had a much better time if I didn't take it so seriously.

As a child I was on the sets all the time, even during vacation. Had I known I would be an actor, I'd have groomed and trained myself better.

Now, I'm so relaxed that I have to make myself nervous. I feel better when I'm second and third guessing myself over everything. I play with the mice in my head, all the time.

And I find - I'm 63, and my capacity to be by myself and just spend time by myself hasn't diminished any. That's the necessary part of being a writer, you better like being alone.

I started studying acting to become a better model. But, in the course of doing so, I found myself feeling the same thrill and enthusiasm that I felt the first time I came to walk on the runway.

I'm honoured and blessed to even be in the UFC, much less be 19 years old in the UFC, knowing I have so much time to learn, so much technique to learn, everything all around to make myself better.

As a mother I think you often get so caught up in trying to take care of everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself. But I'm a much better wife and mother when I take the time to take care of myself.

I've been in a lot of tough businesses: First Lady of San Fransciso, working as model, actress, TV host. You better have thick skin, for sure, but you also need to laugh at yourself. I make fun of myself all the time.

I see bad stuff on the street all the time that I don't do anything about. I do bad stuff myself all the time. The goal is not to somehow be perfect - that's silly, that's naive. The goal is to just recognize there are choices in front of us, and to try to make better ones.

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