I have a hard time arguing with stupid people.

Conscientious people are self-disciplined, hard workers who spend the least amount of time on Facebook.

If, at a party, I say I'm a poet, people have a hard time responding, almost as if I'd said I'm a priest.

It is frustrating that people have a hard time telling other female stories besides, 'Is she going to get the guy?'

I get a lot that people have a hard time believing that I'm a nerd... but I grew up with a Nintendo controller in my hand.

People are familiar with my songs, especially through Eric Clapton. But I have a hard time drawing a crowd, because I have been a songwriter.

The years that remain are clearly limited. When you're 80, you attend a lot more funerals. A lot more people are having a hard time and are ill.

I have a really hard time meeting people, so I wanted to take classes to get out of my social shell. Eventually, I opened up and realized, 'Wow, I really enjoy this.'

The first album was a coming-of-age album - I don't like the phrase, but when you listen to it, you can tell I was having a hard time, that I wasn't socially relating to people.

We are the kind of people who obsess over one word... but we have only one shot to get it right in concert. It was hard the first time I practiced with them. I was so nervous that my vocal chords were paralyzed for about a half-hour.

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