The tennis wasn't really very much on my mind, so it wasn't like I was thinking about it all the time.

Every time you're involved in an Ashes series, as soon as it finishes at the back of your mind you start thinking about the next one.

Once the notion of time travel starts to come naturally to the human mind, it is supremely easy to assimilate it into our mode of thinking.

You can't keep your mind on fighting when you're thinking about a woman. You can't keep your concentration. You feel like sleeping all the time.

Sometimes when I'm just really relaxed, that's also a creative time for me, because that's when my mind is more open because I'm not worried or thinking or being very analytical.

I think when wedding dresses are talked about, every woman has a different set of factors in her mind of what it could be because they've been thinking about it possibly for such a long time.

The lessons of slushing and editing build up over time, and you're not necessarily thinking about them while you're working, but they're in the back of your mind, probably influencing your choices.

Every time I'm ever in L.A., if I have anytime off - which is rare - I'll go straight to the basketball court and play. That's a way for me to escape and get my mind off everything. I'm so competitive, so if I'm playing basketball, all I'm thinking about is winning.

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