Every tournament's different.

Each tournament is different.

I try to win every tournament.

Every tournament is important.

The World Cup is a tough tournament.

Every tournament is important for me.

Each tournament is equally important.

Our sport was founded on the tournament.

The Asian Cup is an important tournament.

One tournament win doesn't make you perfect.

Any tournament you go to, you want to win it.

It's a big deal to get to the NCAA Tournament.

I think I should win every tournament I enter.

You can't compare one tournament with another.

Every tournament I have won has been memorable.

The end of a tournament is a good time to pause.

I'm not a big proponent of the league tournament.

I'm a tournament guy; that's what I grew up doing.

To have a tournament right where you live is very cool.

When you start off a new tournament, you want to do well.

It's tough to think before a tournament that you can win.

It is every player's dream to play at a world tournament.

I want to win every single tournament that I'm playing in.

Once you get to the tournament, it's like, win or go home.

Serie A is a great tournament with many excellent players.

I don't want to retire before the tournament starts for me.

For any tournament to succeed, you need the big guns to fire.

Majors are important but so is every other tournament I play.

We tournament golfers are much overrated. We get paid to much.

The first tournament I ever played, I won. I was six years old.

If you win the conference tournament, it doesn't mean anything.

What's a good tournament for him? Winning it. He's good enough.

I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.

There's no point going to a tournament if you don't want to win.

In tournament football, you cannot dwell on things for too long.

I think people expect me to be around at the end of a tournament.

I was tough on myself when I didn't finish off a tournament right.

It doesn't much concern me if Tiger plays in the tournament or no.

I think, in a tournament, things are always a little more exciting.

You can be six behind on the back nine and still win the tournament.

Wimbledon is not the easiest tournament in which to make a comeback.

The Olympic Games is the most important tournament for Russian guys.

I consider the All England as like any normal super series tournament.

I have learned from experience with the BDO and the ladies tournament.

You still have to go perform; it doesn't matter what the tournament is.

I want to be a top-10 player and I want to win a Grand Slam tournament.

My favorite tournament is the U.S. Open because the atmosphere is great.

Every player would love to play a tournament like the World Cup at home.

Normally when one reporter talks to you at a tournament it's no big deal.

Being a part of the Women of Honor championship tournament is historical.

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