It's totally fun to play troublemakers - totally.

Out of 6 billion humans, the troublemakers are just a handful.

A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill.

Society honors its living conformists and its dead troublemakers.

Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.

I was very troubled, yes. Me and my brother both - we were troubled and troublemakers.

We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they who need public cures for their private ails.

If you can get the proper definition of trouble, then we can find out who the real troublemakers are.

All actors are naughty. We're all troublemakers - horrible, attention-seeking children. 'Me, me, look at me!'

But if you work in the rock industry, you should realize that the most important bands are the troublemakers.

I have observed that society in general always seems to honor its living conformists and its dead troublemakers.

Journalists always want publishers or editors to leave. They're creative troublemakers - that's why you hire them.

I despise all those who fight for peace. It's only the bad guys and the troublemakers who create entertaining and history-changing events.

For years, decades, the system has taught us to stay quiet. They've made us believe that those who take to the streets to speak up are crazy, criminals, troublemakers.

I was a pretty free-spirited kid. I was part of a notorious group of troublemakers who didn't do well in school but had a great time exploring Beijing from the inside out.

I was attracted to the bad boys, the troublemakers. You know, the ones that were really cute but didn't come home. So I have a couple of failed marriages under my belt, but that's OK.

I think we all attract troublemakers; I don't think it's particularly about anyone. I had it actually as an album title, and I thought it would be really cool to write a song about a girl that's a bit of troublemaker.

When I heard Edward Snowden's story, it reminded me of my mother in a strange way. She was in the French resistance from early on, 1941. At that time, the Resistance were considered troublemakers - even traitors - in France.

The London police have discovered that the best way to neuter demonstrations is not to move everyone on, or disperse troublemakers, but hold them close, cordon them into a diminishing space for hours and hours, as a sort of arbitrary al fresco arrest.

After every massacre in a school, Americans grasp at quick cures. 'Let's install metal detectors and give guns to teachers' Let's crack down on troublemakers, weeding out kids who fit the profile of a gunman. Let's buy bulletproof whiteboards for the students to scurry behind, or train kids to throw erasers or cans of soup at an attacker.'

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