Imagination is the only true thing in the world!

He said true things, but called them by wrong names.

There is only one true thing: Instantly paint what you see.

I was saying the right things, but not the really true things.

All true things must change and only that which changes remains true.

Always do what you feel deeply in the within to be the true thing to do.

It’s as simple as that. Simple and complicated, as most true things are.

Once you get away from wanting to get paid, you can actually say some true things.

Writers say many true things about their own experiences with publicity and promotion.

The gift of song is just like... I think music is one of those true things in this world that is universal.

We know how to speak many falsehoods that resemble real things, but we know, when we will, how to speak true things.

Sometimes writers say true things about the overall nature of publicity, promotion, and the publishing industry; but alas, not always.

There are so many good ones to paint and if you paint as well as you really can and keep out of all other things and do that, it is the true thing.

Memory is revisionist, you know. 'The Houston Kid' was based on true things that happened. But I know - from writing a memoir that I've been working on for awhile - that reconstructing memory is revisionism.

I hope my music can help many nations all over the world see that the true things come out of the earth, and then they go back into the earth. But the true love you have to find within yourself and learn to respect one another from nation to nation.

To me, the two things that Gal Gadot - who is an amazing actress, and she played a great Wonder Woman - but the true things that she actually has inside of her are this incredible warmth and charm that is also informed by great intelligence. It's those two things.

As I get older, my perspective changes, and I just see how relationships aren't always what they appear to be. It's one of those sad but true things. We can see sometimes when people are becoming distant in all the things that create breaking apart, as painful as it is, and at the same time, still appreciating that person.

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