All I get is tomorrow.

Love is the higher law.

I'm not in love with you.

I only have eyes for you.

I am here because of love.

People are always separable.

You will always be my always.

I hope suffering don't exist.

A sound waiting to be a word.

I will be the one to leave you.

You don't know, but I'm noticing.

The world, right now, is only us.

The words that matter always stay.

it's gonna hurt because it matters.

I would always wait to take you home.

And who am I to blow against the wind?

I think they have compatible silences.

That lasting things do, in fact, last.

I think of friendship in terms of love.

Slowly would be better than not at all.

Fate has a strange way of making plans.

They defy gravity, as good books should.

You are so close, and I can’t reach you.

Every you, every me. Fractals. Fractures.

Love me less, but love me for a long time

Its a fine line between love and stalking.

We love and we feel and we try and we hope.

Love weaves itself from hundreds of threads.

Honestly, I'm just trying to live day to day

Sorry to be so cynical, but this is New York

I measure the moment in the heartbeats I skip

And If only I could, I'd make a deal with God.

I have become very good at clearing histories.

Answerless questions can destroy you. Move on.

I am starting to get tired of relying on words.

anchor, v.: I drift, I drift, I drift, you stay.

Things rarely get fixed the way they need to be.

I can't pretend to know what love is. It just is.

this might be the happy ending without the ending

I'm always standing on the edge of something bad.

You are happy even if you are afraid to admit it.

It's goodbye to some things. And hello to others.

In my experience, desire is desire, love is love.

Serrated, adj. And you said, "I'm not sure we can.

What i want is for what i want to actually matter.

You wanna-I dunno-get coffee or something sometime?

These words are now mine, but soon they’ll be ours.

Long live protest songs, in whatever form they take.

Yesterday is another world. I want to go back there.

Her vulnerability is open, but she’s safe within it.

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