I love vampire movies. I think they are sexy.

I'm a big fan of vampire movies generally and that sort of tradition of characters.

Over the years all these vampire movies have come out and nobody looks like a vampire anymore.

It's not like vampires are inherently bad. It's just people need to make better vampire movies.

One of my favorite vampire movies is 'Nosferatu,' which has a palpable sense of dread that's a pre-war dread.

I think the reason vampire movies have been so popular over time is that they share so many parallels with human beings.

The vampire movies I embraced as a kid used vampirism as a metaphor that expressed deep sadness and a lot of human qualities.

I think it's cyclical. Zombies have been around for ages, and vampires have run their course; we've had so many vampire movies.

I've noticed that when people make vampire movies, they're always determining which of the rules they're going to stick to and which they'll abandon.

When they first cast me, I was a pretty avid fan and vampire movies and Celtic mythology, so I was excited to get a chance to walk in Doyle's shoes and have fun with it.

I remember being a kid and sleeping over at my friend's house and staying up late and watching 'Nosferatu.' Vampire movies are supposed to be secret and bad. They should be rated R.

I've loved vampires since I was a kid, or loved a lot of the vampire movies that I saw. Anything with sharp teeth, really. I remember you could get those fake vampire teeth, and I remember just keeping them in all the time.

I don't like vampire movies or zombie movies. I went to see 'I Am Legend' with an ex-girlfriend the other day, and I immediately realised it was a zombie movie! You know what I mean? There are certain rules, and those rules are things that you've seen many times.

It's difficult to do a genre film well, and it doesn't matter if you're talking vampire movies or 'Dawn of the Dead' or 'The Thing' or 'Escape From New York.' Those kind of movies, they understand what the old-school B-movie is supposed to be, they get the throwback of it.

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