WikiLeaks is the 9/11 of diplomacy.

What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear.

What Wikileaks exposed is kind of superficial in a way.

Being editor of WikiLeaks was always a pretty difficult job.

WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical.

WikiLeaks' disclosures should be protected under the First Amendment.

It is impossible to correct abuses unless we know that theyre going on.

In the physical world, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a wanted man.

WikiLeaks, God bless them, will save lives as a result of their actions.

The values of WikiLeaks have been completely overshadowed by Julian Assange.

Democratic societies need a strong media, and WikiLeaks is part of that media.

I don't see anything that's come out on WikiLeaks that was a legitimate secret.

There are many people, including me, who admire the original mission of WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks is literally the worst place in the world to try and plant a false story.

Let's face it: WikiLeaks exists because the mainstream media haven't done their job.

I'm a freedom of information campaigner, so obviously I support the cause of Wikileaks.

It seems like WikiLeaks has better information on Hillary Clinton than she does herself.

If I had some information, the last thing I would ever do with it is send it to Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks presents a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.

WikiLeaks presents a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States.

Saving Edward Snowden from prison is one of WikiLeaks' achievements of which I am most proud.

The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops.

The fallout from Wikileaks is incomparable to 9/11, the U.S.S. Cole, numerous embassies, et al.

The [Donald] Trump campaign turned on a dime instantly as soon as those WikiLeaks dumps started.

The most rebelliousness I see now is coming out of WikiLeaks and D.C. Leaks and BlackListed News.

In the history of Wikileaks, nobody has claimed that the material being put out is not authentic.

WikiLeaks combines several of my prior interests in technology, policy questions, and journalism.

My links to WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden mean I am treated as a threat and can't return to the U.K.

WikiLeaks is what happens when the entire US government is forced to go through a full-body scanner.

A lot of people who work for WikiLeaks have the same instinct as me: If you are pushed you push back.

If WikiLeaks were a for-profit company, determining its real value would be a nearly impossible task.

WikiLeaks is what happens when the entire U.S. government is forced to go through a full-body scanner.

WikiLeaks is a service to the population. Assange should get an award for - presidential medal of honor.

If there is one currency that helped Wikileaks take on the might of the U.S. Government, it was Bitcoins.

WikiLeaks exposed the most dangerous lies of all, which are those that are told to us by elected governments.

Wikileaks didn't help confidence with American administrations because of conversations made public so easily.

Wikileaks didn't help confidence with American administrations because of conversations made public so easily.

I don't think we can dignify documents dumped by Wikileaks and just assume that they're all accurate and true.

The aim of Wikileaks is to achieve just reform around the world and do it through the mechanism of transparency.

Has WikiLeaks been forced to do one thing rather than another in response to resource constraints? Yes. Constantly.

So far, we have a perfect record of WikiLeaks having never revealed information that exposed a source over 10 years.

WikiLeaks has revealed some hard truths about the Iraq and Afghan wars and broken stories about corporate corruption.

Wikileaks is a mechanism to maximize the flow of information to maximize the amount of action leading to just reform.

Science fiction is the WikiLeaks of science, getting word to the public about what cutting-edge research really means.

WikiLeaks published the Afghan War Logs and U.S. diplomatic cables stolen from a classified network by an Army private.

EVERY attack now made on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange was made against me and the release of the Pentagon Papers at the time.

Most other documents leaked to WikiLeaks do not carry the same explosive potential as candid cables written by American diplomats.

WikiLeaks is not a news organization; it is a cell of activists that is releasing information designed to embarrass people in power.

What was particularly impressive by the [Donald] Trump campaign at the time is how they were so organized around the WikiLeaks stuff.

People intrinsically know there are secrets being held from us. Look at WikiLeaks: There are secrets that are really true to the world.

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