I've been standing with and united with the gay community. I know so many gay men and women that homophobia is such a baffling thing for me.

We need more partnerships like Vigor Industrial and Portland Community College where men and women in search of a career can get the training they need to get hired right out of school.

The producers, the creators, and the cast, we recognize that 'Hamilton' is an inherently American story told by the definition of an American community; we are men and women of different colors, creeds, and orientations.

The women and men who have served in our military deserve nothing but the recognition and benefits they have earned with their service. Unfortunately for those in the LGBTQ-plus community that hasn't always been the case.

The LGBTQ community refers to people's sexual preferences - lesbians like women, gay people like men - and children shouldn't be walking advertisements for sexuality when they are not old enough to make their own decisions.

We can define the rules of police-citizen engagement, but everyday decisions will always be made by men and women in uniform, on the street, in the community, under extreme pressure, in a dangerous world where guns easily fall into the wrong hands.

In India, at the community level, young men are playing an absolutely essential role in changing the cultural norms and deeply held practices concerning women. They are doing this in a way that not only empowers women and girls, but really empowers the young men as well.

I am happy to join Selina Majors in providing women with a fully comprehensive training program designed specifically for them. I was trained by men, and while that worked for me, I know a more supportive community for women wanting to join our profession will increase the participation.

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