I put a lot of work into my game every single day.

I just come every day, do my stuff before the game, work hard. You work hard, and it pays off.

Annika has the type of game I want to work on. She's just so consistent. Hopefully I'll be like that one day.

I always make sure I work hard every day and give everything in the game, in training, and off the pitch, too.

I work hard each and every summer, each and every day on my game to become a better player for my teammates, for the organization. Hard work always pays off.

It's not about improving when you play; it's every day, in training, you have to work on every aspect of your game, and that's something I've really enjoyed.

You can work on routes all day in practice but in the game what it comes down to is if somebody is open or not. You kind of go through your progressions and go through it that way.

I think the most important thing I work on is just my mental approach to every day, my mental approach to the game. How to come in each and every day focused, doing what I want to do, I think that's just the biggest issue.

If you are a reliever, you get one inning per game or if you are a starter you get one game per week. There is a lot of buildup for a little bit of work compared to the guys who play every down or play every day in baseball.

Playing quarterback is a glamorous job. It's awesome. It's everything I dreamed it would be. But after a while, it loses its glamour. Somewhere along those 15 years, it becomes a job. Especially at the end, it became work. Game day was awesome, but all the rest of it was work.

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