I'm a daddy's girl.

Luckily, my dad doesn't sing.

We've all been underestimated at times. That's life.

Democracy depends on well educated and engaged citizens.

Puerto Rico had a number of problems before Maria even hit.

Joining the women at 'The View' really is a dream come true!

In college, I interned for Diane Sawyer my sophomore summer.

As you know, on live TV, sometimes you don't always say things perfectly.

I'm excited to bring a dose of moderate, rational conservatism to 'The Cycle.'

I was such a strong-willed child, my parents weren't sure how to deal with me.

I've always loved news. I've always loved storytelling and being where the scene is.

If you can master a four-hour morning television show, you can really do anything on television.

For me, I try to live life every day by getting to know people for who they are and learning from them.

With Fox, I traveled the country, and I got to know so many of the Trump voters. They are wonderful people.

I think our insecurities are our biggest challenges, and we all have them. Trust me, I've got plenty of my own.

I called both President Trump and Kim Jong-Un a dictator. I didn't mean to say that. My mistake. I apologize for that.

I don't think anyone in this country wants to hear anything about President Trump from below the waist, below the belt.

I don't like to define myself as necessarily conservative. What is it to be a conservative? What is it to be a Republican, even?

Trump has actually been tougher on Ukraine than President Obama was. The first thing he did was put sanctions on Russia as it relates to the Ukraine.

My dad originally wanted to be a foreign correspondent before he got into politics. We have very similar personalities, so I think I get a lot of that interest from him.

I'm probably more fiscally a Republican. But socially, I'm just accepting of everything. I want everyone to be happy; I want everyone to live a life that they're proud of.

There is no question that I was given a lot of interesting and unique opportunities growing up... But I think people often misunderstand that I work as hard and want things just as badly as anybody else.

I'm one of seven kids, and I love being around a bunch of siblings because I think it teaches you independence, and it teaches you how to grow up quickly and also just be a good friend and be a good sister.

What I worry about is, if you are on the side of feeling it's disrespectful to kneel during the anthem, that somehow you're racist, or somehow you're not in favor of bettering this country and finding equality and common ground.

I come from a great family and I was raised by wonderful parents. There is no question that I was given a lot of interesting and unique opportunities growing up...But I think people often misunderstand that I work as hard and want things just as badly as anybody else.

You don't see people that are willing to say 'You know what, you might be different politically, but let's find some common ground, let's find ways that we're actually similar.' We just assume immediately that we have nothing in common, what can even talk to that person about.

You have days where you're trying to be your best, and you say something, and you see it being written in three different places and in a way that you didn't mean for it to be interpreted. But you just try to do your best. You kind of just have to let everything else roll off your back.

You never know what's going to happen, so I get up at 6 a.m. every morning. It's a new wakeup call for me, for sure. But you just want to be polished. That way, if anything happens, I'm ready to go. I'm not going to sit in a makeup chair for an hour and be like, "Then I'll go get the story."

You can only be your best self. When I initially got on the air, I would look around me and watch people that I thought were really good and try to be like they were. And I got to a point where I realized, "I can't be them." I can only be the best that Abby can be. And as long as I'm myself and I'm genuine and I'm real, then I think that's all you can do.

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