My mom is a pack rat.

I never did video dating.

I'm terrible with titles.

I'm obsessed with musicals.

I never saw my parents kiss.

Copyright law is too confusing.

My mom is not typical in any way.

Jeff Garlin is essentially my dad.

My rap name as a kid was Big Tasty.

I've been with my wife since I was 16.

First love is such a big thing growing up.

Negative attention was better than no attention.

'Afterlife With Archie' - they're doing a great job.

It's very complicated to literally put your family on TV.

My mom was always writing me notes to get me out of stuff.

Some of my movies hold the bottom rankings on Rotten Tomatoes.

On TV, teachers are comedically jaded. That's not how I saw them.

I'm one of those writers that have always worked on multiple things.

Prior to 'The Goldbergs,' I rarely got good reviews on anything I've done.

When I was nine, I got my head stuck in a bucket trying to be Darth Vader.

I love 'AP Bio' - I think it's so funny - it's just not the show I want to do.

I think a lot of guys have their favorite shirt that they wear for years and years.

I like being surrounded by all the stuff that makes me feel creative and inspires me.

My dad would always get into fights over parking spaces. He would do this all the time.

Ever since 'The Goldbergs' began, one of my dreams was to write a homage to 'Highlander.'

My mom was a shopaholic. She can literally never wear the same thing twice. That's fine with me.

Everyone in the '80s grew up, and for a lot of the film executives, that's what they know and love.

That's what Flyers fans are all about. My favorite thing about Philly fans is booing their own team.

Watching Eagles games with my dad, whether at the vet or in our house, was a big part of my childhood.

Singing karaoke is my worst nightmare. But in the car, I rock out to anything Bon Jovi or Beastie Boys.

I grew up obsessively collecting Queen T-shirts and concert posters and rare U.K. imports of their CDs.

I feel like, with any show, the creator should stick to it the first few years and get it off the ground.

In our house, there was a lot of yelling. It was everyone walking in on each other and very few boundaries.

If I called my kids a moron, I think it would traumatize them. I don't think they even know what the word is.

As a family, we all loved the Flyers. To me, rooting for the Flyers were how I bonded with my dad especially.

For me, 'The Goldbergs' was about surviving a crazy family - and believe me, the show is a sanitized version!

That's what I did whenever I loved a movie: I'd get together with my friends and play it out and re-enact it.

That's what happens when they give guys like me a television show: you try and get toys and Garbage Pail Kids!

My middle school years were defined by memorizing every single word off 'License to Ill' and 'Paul's Boutique.'

When you hire directors, you're most concerned about whether or not someone from the outside will get the jokes.

I had 'Breaking In' at Fox, and that was a constant stopping and starting of getting canceled and picked up again.

I'm envious of 'Glee' - artists turned their libraries over for free because they knew it would lead to album sales.

When I was at the end of middle school and the beginning of high school, I fell in love with hockey in a serious way.

If you Google a list and just see all the movies that came out in 1984, they're classics, and they define that decade.

My brother was a huge Tim Kerr fan. He loved the way Kerr would power to the net, and he related to that playing style.

Queen is my all-time favorite band in history. I was an obsessive growing up after I discovered them at 10 at summer camp.

All of my family members have had moments where they're upset with me because I'll cavalierly write a story just to be funny.

Being from Philadelphia, 'Parents Just Don't Understand' was a big deal - I have audio of my brother and me singing that song.

Anything that I love, I love to the extreme. I'm obsessive. If it's 'Star Wars,' if it's 'Transformers,' if it's the Flyers, I geek out.

I would make hockey movies: I would edit together Flyers games and do highlight reels of goals or fights, which I still have to this day.

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