I don't give a damn about trolls.

I will surely pen my autobiography.

I love the classic marble inlay work of Arga.

I am not scared of anyone except the Almighty.

I am blessed to be a proud father of a daughter.

When my first album came out, it wasn't Bollywood.

I am a Mumbaikar. It has a special place in my heart.

I am like a child when it comes to gizmos and gadgets.

I believe in the philosophy of turning the other cheek.

Music reflects an artist's feelings and their experiences.

I believe every artiste, at some point, needs to take a step back.

I was born in England, but India is the only place I feel at home.

I'm grateful to God that I'm able to praise his glory through my music.

A song's lyrics can't be held culprit for the overall change in society.

There is nothing more beautiful for a musician to listen and see harmony.

As a musician, to be part of anything that promotes peace is very rewarding.

Apart from being a playback singer for films, I'm also an independent musician.

I like to greet anyone who comes to my house with a lot of positivity and peace.

If someone ever decides to tell my story, it will make for a typical masala movie.

I have had an extraordinary life, but it's been one incredible roller coaster ride.

Terrorism doesn't have a border. Terrorists attack Mumbai, Peshawar, and also Paris.

I believe that sugar is just as important for our body as salt is, and other natural foods.

The only relationships I wish to honour and keep are with my family and my dear loved ones.

I can never stop thanking God because my music influences people in their respective lives.

The love, adulation, and warmth that I got from India is the reason why I chose this country.

God has blessed me with the in-born talent for which I pour my heart out in the form of music.

Whoever portrays me on screen need not necessarily be a look alike. Any hero could play my part.

While artistes do want peace, it is not their preserve alone. Everyone wants peace just as much.

When you want something that is very dear to you, somewhere along the line, you become the child.

When people love you for your cultural contributions, geographical boundaries become nonexistent.

Sometimes, I make music in my sleep. So I get up, put on my headphones, and compose it on the piano.

I am a singer; my job is to create music and harmony. Wherever I see harmony, I would go towards there.

I was too big to even contemplate exercise. I had to use a walking stick and a wheelchair to get around.

I have always believed that there is no such thing as coincidence, and I have always believed in destiny.

When I was obese, I reached a point where I was about to meet death, and I lost weight to restart my life.

My songs are my girlfriends. I have a secret romance with all of them. I romance with them year after year.

If it is written in my destiny that I will go back to Pakistan, then I will. I won't be scared of going back.

If there is a new airport in Mumbai, I would feel proud about it, and I equally feel angry when I see potholes.

I am an incurable romantic. I am even in love with the idea of being in love, and hence, I write a lot of love songs.

'Grateful' is a small word to express my gratitude, as God has blessed me with so many opportunities to restart my life.

Pakistan is not the torch-bearer of Islam, and if I change my country, it doesn't mean that I have to change my religion.

Pakistan doesn't value its artistes. I will get trolled for what I have said, but that is the reality. It is unfortunate.

Film songs have so many creative limitations, but a private album is like an autobiography that reflects your state of mind.

Whether it was the 9/11 attacks, Paris shooting, or the attack on the Taj, people across the world mourn the collective loss.

I know we live in a materialistic world. I am not living on Cloud Nine; I am not living in Disneyland. I understand all that.

People said that I had liposuction surgery, but you tell me how can a man of 230 kgs lose weight only with a prick of a needle.

I feel that one should be health conscious, and that feeling can only come from within, so I suggest people to challenge yourself.

Sufis were always spreading love with their music, and if some kind of extremism is a threat to it, it is a threat to all humanity.

I want people to get over my weight and the loss of it. It's been years, and I am sure people can find better things to talk about.

There's a famous saying: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' I want to change it to 'Hell hath no fury like a nation scorned.'

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