Food is just the greatest joy on the planet.

We can not be naive and think we can go it alone.

I don't shop. I haven't shopped in about four years.

I want to show people that environmentalism can be fun!

I don't need success, I just need to be constantly evolving.

My only ambition when I came to Hollywood was to pay my rent.

Tabloids can be fun. I see stuff sometimes and have a good laugh.

When you are dealing with real life, there is no way to control it.

Success is knowing that your contribution is what helps the collective.

You can't scale if you do it alone, you really need to work with others.

I don't like putting people on a pedestal, I think ideas are more exciting

There's never a better way of living than just improving our quality of life.

Let's show people how desirable it is to step it up and climb towards heaven.

People, instead of competing, they can actually support each other, in music.

Being performers, that's what we do: We put on shows and want people to watch.

I've been given the opportunity to be alive in this day and age, and it's rare.

Everything I do, it's all about making every moment a quality, meaningful moment.

I am not an artist except that when I envision a concept, I sometimes indulge it.

When I feel myself getting overwhelmed, I take a deep breath and eat a piece of chocolate.

Once you get into the habit of work, you can be more productive in the things you want to do.

What is important is family, friends, giving back to your community and finding meaning in life.

As great as technology is, it still has it's limitations, because it's only a frame of the truth

I have always chosen roles that I believed in - not ones that I thought might further my career.

It's enough to indulge and to be selfish but true happiness is really when you start giving back.

You can't expect people to do the right thing or else they will go to hell. We are already in hell!

I enjoy pumping iron, but I do try and get the yoga, 'cause it's a nice balance to the weightlifting.

Celebrities become divas because they get pampered so much, babied so much - then they get used to it.

Ethical systems and practices need to look good. They have to be desirable, well-designed and work well.

Secondly, love and relationships are complicated. No one could ever get it right in a four-line sentence.

I think in the old music, everything was so competitive. It was all about - very selfish in a lot of ways.

In narrative films, you set up reality, so you can limit the variables. You don't have that luxury with docs.

I am happy to have success in the entertainment biz, but the root of my happiness comes from my neighborhood, NYC.

Not to say that you shouldn't strive for success, but don't forget why you're doing it. It's not just for adoration.

Certainly, if it had been anything other than an HBO show I'd probably still be in Mexico now with a Mexican wife and kids.

Happiness doesn't come from commercial success but from the quality of work that you give back to your immediate community.

I think, in a lot of ways, celebrities represent the American dream. They have financial fluidity and options at their disposal.

You ask any actor - they'll tell you they'd rather shoot on location because you don't have to invent the energy, the energy is there.

I can play a lot of things, but I haven't mastered any one. I use music really as a form of raw expression; escape from the real world.

In the new music landscape, with is the democratization of the internet and music in general, I think it can be a lot more collaborative.

The problem with modern consumption and mass-produced products is they're designed to just literally be shoved into our mouths and rushed.

I'm one with New York, and New York is one with me. I grew up there; there's no escaping it. We're like Siamese twins, if you separate us, I'll die.

It's really important to find a humble approach to your own creative work, your own business work. To recognize that you can't do everything yourself.

I think it's important that we run that tension between the way things are, in terms of the way we're governed, and the way we sort of become complacent.

We are on parallel paths with the planet. The wants and needs of marine wildlife are our own: we want connection, companionship, a healthy clean environment.

I'm a self-taught musician, so I never really had the restrictions of any one instrument. I would always just sort of pick up instruments and make noise with 'em.

That's what we do on 'Entourage.' We embed ourselves in legitimate authentic moments so wherever the action is happening, we're taking pieces from that red carpet.

We learn from each other. We learn from others' mistakes, from their experience, their wisdom. It makes it easier for us to come to better decisions in our own lives.

I think anybody who's famous has to deal with their fame in their own way, and I dealt with it by making a film about a kid who's looking out into the world of celebrity obsession.

The future of cinema and communications is all about collaboration and the decentralized control of storytelling. We're all part of the story; we can all contribute and participate.

I think winter wear is communal. You get some gloves and a scarf from a lost-and-found box, wash them, wear them for a while until you lose them. Then somebody else does the same thing

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