I came to explore the wreck.

Any woman's death diminishes me.

Reality, the oppressor's tongue.

...you look at me like an emergency

Marriage is lonelier than solitude.

A language is a map of our failures

Life on the planet is born of woman.

Strangers are an endangered species.

A thinking woman sleeps with monsters.

The moment of change is the only poem.

The password is a flicker of an eyelash.

We have lived with violence far too long.

Experience is always larger than language.

What we see, we see and seeing is changing

All new learning looks at first like chaos.

To do something very common, in my own way.

TV has created a kind of false collectivity.

Only where there is language is there world.

When I talk of taking a trip I mean forever.

The beauty of darkness is how it lets you see.

Only to have a grief equal to all these tears!

Lying is done with words and also with silence.

I feel more helpless with you than without you.

I don't trust them but I'm learning to use them.

We must use what we have to invent what we desire.

Pride is a tricky, glorious, double-edged feeling.

What kind of beast would turn its life into words?

Whatever happens with us, your body will haunt mine

Every poem breaks a silence that had to be overcome.

The liar leads an existence of unutterable loneliness.

Poetry is the liquid voice that can wear through stone.

The will to change begins in the body, not in the mind.

You must write, and read, as if your life depended on it.

We who were loved will never unlive that crippling fever.

To work and suffer is to be at home. All else is scenery.

At twenty, I implicitly dissociated poetry from politics.

We can count on so few people to go that hard way with us.

... this world gives no room to be what we dreamt of being

Love, our subject: we've trained it like ivy to our walls.

... passion for survival is the great theme of women's poetry.

Change is not a threat to your life, but an invitation to live.

Can you remember? when we thought the poets taught how to live?

No one sleeps in this room without the dream of a common language.

In the interstices of language lie powerful secrets of the culture.

The more I live, the more I think, two people together is a miracle.

Poems are like dreams: in them you put what you don't know you know.

War is an absolute failure of imagination, scientific and political.

I don’t think we can separate art from overall human dignity and hope.

Language is power... Language can be used as a means of changing reality.

It is important to possess a short-term pessimism and a long-term optimism.

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