You'll never win anything with kids

The World Cup needs a brilliant Brazilian team.

If you're going to be wrong, be dramatically wrong.

I go by records and Bob Paisley is the No 1 manager ever!

He's sharp, he can score and he doesn't worry about missing.

Everybody likes Brazil and we want the Brazilians to come out.

Souness critics must eat humble pie as he transforms Newcastle.

I think the reality is that, that money was probably badly spent.

I don't think anyone enjoyed it. Apart from the people who watched it.

I was surprised, the triple-stack package produced eight to 15 more bushels.

In '82 Brazil showed that you can't win the World Cup without a solid defense.

People say I'm bad at a lot of things. One I agree with is that I'm a bad driver.

What I always do is just look at the players, look at the best 11 they can put on the pitch.

The second half was easy to sum up - and absolute shambles! (on England losing to Denmark 4-1)

I always wanted to be a golfer, only I realised that if I'd played golf I would have been skint.

The Italians are very strong defensively. They showed in Euro 2000 how good defensively they are.

Live television is always stressful and the more you do it, the more you realise what can go wrong.

Manchester City have been in the doldrums for a while, they came up and went straight back down again.

These guys live and breathe football; they get something out of going to the training ground every day.

I don't miss playing football, but I do miss going into the dressing room every day and having a laugh.

When George Graham was there they complained, harking back to better days, but I think that's a fantasy.

The pressures are intense, because the rewards for success and the penalty for failure are more and more.

The boy can do anything, but to be the star of the World Cup you have got to get to the final and win it!

I think when people talk about ambition and talking to him, it might have seemed that he wasn't ambitious.

I played against the Brazilians in '82, who were definitely the best team never to have won the World Cup.

Even though they won't finish in the top four this season, they will still be of the contenders next season.

Potentially he could be. He scored the goal four years ago in France against Argentina that was extraordinary.

The scar on my forehead is from running through a plate-glass panel when I was 15. I had 27 stitches, which took two hours.

I only started concentrating on football as a career when I left school at 18. I played golf for the Scottish and British boys' teams.

I was born in a mining village, and you either played football or played football. If you didn't play, there was something wrong with you.

When I was playing football, I always felt in complete control. When I play golf and come under pressure, it's a completely different ball game.

I wouldn't say they're neglected, but everybody is going to grow old and we should be looking after the older generation more than we do at the moment.

I don't expect to see them in the top six but I think of all the teams that have come up in previous seasons, I think Manchester City are the biggest club.

I think if Tottenham are going to be top four side, the fans and the club will need to get away from the philosophy of 'pretty football', that's got to go.

We got stuffed 4-1, but it was just great to play against, it was like an education. You think you are half good and then you go and play against a side like that!

I hear people saying 'the way the game should be played'. Rubbish. That's the worst saying in football. You win the game, then worry about the way it should be played.

It's incredible considering the public perception that he was tight fisted and he was more than prudent, and lacked ambition to take Tottenham to where the fans wanted them to be.

I had no plans once I finished my football career, which was a problem, so I had to go looking for work. Television was the one area that it was easier to get a job than anywhere else.

Andy Gray is a great pundit and a great co-commentator. I couldn't co-commentate for love nor money. I've tried but I just can't do it, so as an all-rounder I'd say Andy's much better than I am.

Playing for 14 years definitely took its toll mentally. I decided when I was playing my last season that when I retired from football I would never go back into it, and I've never regretted that decision.

Speed is what makes the Premiership exciting. The millions who would have watched Manchester United and Chelsea would have seen a non-stop game in which the pace was electric even though the first half was a non-event. You could see a better technical game in Spain but for sheer frenetic movement there is nothing that comes close... Pace is more critical in the Premiership than in any other major league and if you don't have pace, you have to compensate with power or ability in the air and since Shevchenko has no power and is not particularly good in the air, he is in trouble.

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