Some days I feel like a piano: kind of short, always in black & white, always expected to produce music.

The problem with couture is not designers; it's what happens when the couturier will no longer be there.

I've always said fashion is like roast chicken: You don't have to think about it to know it's delicious.

I am very much a people person. If I am in a beautiful place but I don't like the people, I am miserable.

I am always trying to put myself inside: Every dress I do, I think, 'If I were a woman, would I wear it?'

Run away from laziness; work hard. Touch intuition and listen to the heart, not marketing directors. Dream.

I spend my time backstage at the Lanvin shows, and when I come out at the end, all I see are people's eyes.

It was not the story of design or clothes, it was the fantasy of women that made me want to work in fashion.

I think that if you want to pass emotion, you have to write a letter. Emotions do not pass in SMS or in e-mail.

Fashion is like a fruit, you couldn't eat it a day before and you can't eat it a day after; it's just about today

To be a fashion critic is easy because you just say, 'I love it, I hate it,' but life is more than love and hate.

Sometimes you don't really need armor to feel protected. Sometimes maybe you need just a chiffon dress to hug you.

Mine is a job that never ends, a function where it is almost impossible to set aside time to rest or take a breather.

For me, Lancome was more than just a brand. There was something very nostalgic about the name, about the whole story.

I don't go out to parties because I'd look terrible in pictures. My escape is television - it's like meditation to me.

I need to feel a desire, to find pleasure in moving forward, creating, inventing. The day I cease to learn, I must stop.

When I'm traveling the world, I don't ever look anymore at the geography - just enough to catch galleries and paintings.

I don’t take drugs because if I did I’d love them–I’d be a junkie. And because I’m Jewish, I’d probably be a dealer, too.

In fashion, we have a reputation for being such a façade, fake people, but none of the fashion people who I know are fake.

Fashion doesn't look good only on models, it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes.

Fashion doesn't look good only on models; it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes.

Fashion is instinctive and sensual. Learn to love what you wear. It should feel like eating chocolates...wi thout the calories

I think fashion is about longevity and doing your work. It isn't about winning or losing. It's about process, keeping it going.

The nature of fashion is family. You see that at almost every house, it was owned first by a family. It wasn't owned by a bank.

Fashion is not always about what's new, it's also about what's good. And I think if you need to see what's good, you have to be there.

I always wear a dinner jacket. I never have this definition of what goes for the morning or the evening or what works for the weekend.

I don't think that you can write music if you don't know how to play an instrument. You have to know the basics, then you can go forward.

At Yves Saint Laurent, I felt like the son-in-law - like I was part of the family, but not quite. When I was fired, I felt like the widow.

My dream is to be a doctor. I'm almost working in a laboratory, because I'm trying new techniques, new directions and fabrics, new weaving.

The whole season thing is nonsense. It's either beautiful or it isn't. That's something I really learned when I started collecting dresses.

Everyone wants to be young and skinny. This is awful. Curves are marvelous. Wrinkles are hypnotizing. Why not just be happy with who you are?

I adore women, and the one thing I want to do more than anything is to see a transformation of personality when someone puts on one of my dresses.

I know amazing people in fashion who are anything but fake. They are very real and very sensitive. They are happy and sad. They are loyal friends.

For me, the sketching of dresses was about fantasy and dreams. In my little room at home, I felt that I was somewhere else. In Paris, for instance.

I am very sensitive to the smells and sensations that are part of perfumes because they remind me of things: moments from the past, people, events.

Women try to be the best everywhere, and it's impossible. I want my clothes to give women the freedom to just be - I want them to put on my dresses and shine.

I'm not a plastic surgeon, and I cannot change the DNA of a person, but when I see a woman try on my clothes and she feels beautiful, I know I am doing my job.

I like dresses for night; I like after-party more than party. I like the mystery; I like the dream, like fantasy dresses. I think, also, that you make women dream.

Style is the only thing you can't buy. It's not in a shopping bag, a label, or a price tag. It's something reflected from our soul to the outside world. An emotion.

Fashion is not enough anymore. It's not just about what you wear. I mean, I don't know how many women can afford to take the time to come to Paris for three fittings.

The designers, photographers and models I work with, they are really hard-working people who are devoting their lives to fashion. They're kind of like nuns of fashion.

Our logo for Lanvin is a mother and a daughter. I've always said, 'It's not a lion, and it's not a horse. It's a mother and a daughter.' I find the logo very emotional.

A singer can quit once he or she has made ten great songs; a director can finish once he or she has made five amazing films; a writer just needs to write three great books.

I wanted to go out of fashion, to study medicine. I thought, you know, who needs fashion? How important is it if you wear a red dress and an orange jacket? It's not, really.

I think a good designer can exist everywhere and anywhere and all the time. It's all about being good, and I think that our job basically is to make women and men look good.

A fragrance is a veritable story, told and explained in scent, in notes, in impressions. It's a score based on the emotions of each instant, a captivating music of the senses.

I'm not a religious person in the regular sense, but in the Bible you're not allowed to steal, you're not allowed to lie and you're not allowed to feel you're above other people.

I have a problem to do a collection that is a secondary line. I mean, you don’t want to be the stepsister. You want to be Cinderella. Show me one girl who wants to be the stepsister.

I thought, 'It doesn't matter what that woman is wearing,' but then I realised actually it's our job as designers to make women smile; to bring them the chocolate without the calories.

I want to know where is that committee in Switzerland that sits to decide what is in and what is out. I don't listen to the formula makers. I think maybe I have a selective hearing disorder.

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