I love traveling, but I hate planes.

I've heard I've been called a bad boy, or difficult.

Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?

I think most actors are insecure and scared of rejection.

I don't categorize movies. I just look for great stories.

My favourite books are Charles Bukowski's 'Post Office' and 'Women.'

I prefer to play the bad guy - it gives you more freedom as an actor.

I'm too scared to perform onstage. I'm not very good with big crowds.

I play a man who is obsessed with his own beauty, so it's perfect casting.

I'm a hopeless romantic, I say very loudly and proudly. I get a lot of stick for it.

Nothing embarrassing, but hopefully I can call myself a gentleman because of my father.

I'm forever a Pittsburgh Pirates fan. Apparently I've picked the worst baseball team in the world.

I wish I had some interesting stories about living in L.A., but mostly I just do my work and then go home.

I did a modeling gig once, but I am not a model. I want to be a model because it's a lot easier than acting.

I think I can speak on behalf of women and say that every woman wants a man who just loves them and lusts after them.

Parties don't thrill me. I like sitting at home with a tub of Chunky Monkey ice cream watching Big Brother or Friends.

I'm so terrible. When it comes to talking to women, I'm the worst. I don't know what to say. I come over very, very geeky.

'I Am Number Four' is a great story about a guy who's trying to find his destiny and figure out who he is and his identity.

Look, every actor has a different way of preparing or creating a character and yeah, we all are from different backgrounds.

I want to have lots of bodyguards around me and be surrounded by beautiful women while watching my brother play at Wimbledon.

People ask me, "Why do you love making films?" and I always say, "Because I love film." I hope that I can call myself a movie buff.

I remember reading Disturbia, one of the first scripts I ever got, and I go "Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?"

I remember reading 'Disturbia,' one of the first scripts I ever got, and I go 'Pfft, who wants to make a movie about a guy in a house?'

I'm the gypsy man. I don't really live anywhere. I've got a roof over my head in Los Angeles, and I've got a lot of friends everywhere.

Being an actor in L.A. is like being in prison: you go, you serve your time, you try to replicate Johnny Depp's career-and then you move to Paris.

Being an actor in L.A. is like being in prison: you go, you serve your time, you try to replicate Johnny Depp's career - and then you move to Paris.

I don't really look for a script and go, 'I need to do a thriller, so I'm going to do this.' I just read scripts and look for the best possible story.

I did a modeling gig for Burberry once, and it was a great experience, but no I am not a model. I want to be a model because it's a lot easier than acting.

I truly believe in love, and I think that every relationship should start the way that our relationship started with our first love when we were 16, 17 or 18.

I've always been the guy that loved being scared or loved having pressure on me, because I always wanted to prove myself wrong and always wanted to prove that I could do it.

I've really actually grown with my girlfriends and the people that they've introduced me to and the way that I've been welcomed in by their families. I'm a very, very lucky man.

There are not many places in the world where you can get to the beach in an hour, the desert in two hours and snowboarding or skiing in three hours. You can do all that in California.

When you have passion it changes your perspective on things, you want every tiny detail to be right. You want funny moments to be funny, sad moments to be sad. You wanna give your all.

I think that first love defines you and your relationships, for the rest of your life. I had a great first love. My heart was ripped out of my chest, but I think that happens to everyone.

I never knew that when you're number one on the call sheet you have not only the responsibility of carrying the film but also the responsibility of keeping up the morale of the crew and cast.

I don't know if I would go so far to say that I would punch someone in the face, but I would definitely stand up for my lady. But sometimes it's more attractive to use your words than your fists.

I have never been in a situation thankfully where I haven't gotten along with my girlfriend's parents. I've been very lucky to have girlfriends that have had such amazing families that have brought me in.

The biggest thing for me is I don't want to let people down. At the same time I love things that scare me and challenge me. If your job doesn't do that and doesn't excite you there's no point in doing it.

I think it's becoming rarer and rarer when I consider the experiences that I've had in my life between my dad and my brother and all the men in my life who have all been gentlemen and have looked after women.

I've learned by watching films that inspired me and people who inspired me like Robert Redford and Paul Newman. I love old school acting. I love subtlety, and I also love being spontaneous, and that's really what works for me.

I think you have to be very secure as an actor to escape yourself - to revisit someones past, whether youre portraying another person or creating someone, and then to come back to who you are and not bring those emotions with you.

To act alongside a TV idol of mine, Peter Krause, was phenomenal. I watched him in 'Six Feet Under,' I watched him on 'Dirty Sexy Money' and I'll carry on watching him, and I've been lucky enough to be a part of that world with him.

I think you have to be very secure as an actor to escape yourself - to revisit someone's past, whether you're portraying another person or creating someone, and then to come back to who you are and not bring those emotions with you.

I Am Number Four is an action-packed adventure entwined with a romantic story. I play the role of John Smith. John wants to be a normal kid, but he is from a different planet and he has been given this destiny of becoming a warrior.

'I Am Number Four' is an action-packed adventure entwined with a romantic story. I play the role of John Smith. John wants to be a normal kid, but he is from a different planet and he has been given this destiny of becoming a warrior.

Los Angeles is a very magical place when you take the entertainment industry out of it. You have beautiful beaches and amazing mountains here. I'm a big rock climber. I head out into the mountains whenever I have free time. It's amazing.

I jumped off a cliff backwards for 'I Am Number Four,' which was pretty cool. I'd never done that before. It took seven takes from different angles and luckily there were no injuries. I came close, though. My head nearly hit the rock at one point.

I'm very ambitious. I live in reality but I have dreams I want to fulfill - I want to be a director, and I've already started my own production company. But I also have a measure of success that I keep to myself. It's something very personal to me.

When you play a character it's the persona you bring across from a book to film, or book to script to film. If I play Frank Sinatra, there's gonna be things I do in a movie that Frank might not have done, but it's the personality that comes across.

I never think about the next movie. I always think about the situation I'm in now, but you do think about an arc someone can go. I love Johnny Depp, I love "Pirates of the Caribbean", but I never wanted to play the same character over and over again.

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