I have a little bit of a big head.

As far as talking, I'm a pretty competitive dude.

The trust the BMW family puts in me means a lot to me.

It's almost worth retiring just so I can speak to you.

I haven't wasted many opportunities that fate gave me.

In para-cycling I am a veteran with Olympic medals now.

I'm just a very curious guy who has a lot of possibility.

I feel very lucky, I feel my life is a never-ending privilege.

That's what I admire the most of my mom, that's she's so tough.

I am out to prove that there are no obstacles for the disabled.

I feel gifted for having the opportunity to compete in Daytona.

Losing my legs was one of the greatest opportunities of my life.

I try to, pardon the expression, stay with my feet on the ground.

The best thing I can do is keep advertising myself by winning races.

You don't know how many times I fell just taking ridiculous small steps.

When you accomplish something that is very special, it will stay forever.

You want to climb the mountain because it’s there and you know you can do it.

I enjoy being in the middle of my journey much more than being close to the end.

Whether it is a small thing or big one, step-by-step you can make things happen.

I'm a wild horse, to say the least, and with age, I haven't calmed down completely.

I'm no different from other drivers - my talent is in my brain, not in my right foot.

The fact that I'm racing, yes, is important, it's my passion, but, it's not my life, racing.

For me just the fact to be alive is sufficient motivation to want to improve my life quality.

Everything you do tends to make you accomplish another step on the road to complete yourself.

If I ever won the Indy 500, I can tell you that I wouldn't worry about my engine, that's for sure.

It's always good to let people know your emotions for them because love is what drives everything.

Of course, when I can get an Indy Car or Champ Car race on television, I never miss the opportunity.

If you train hard and work hard eventually you will gain results, and that is the real spirit of life.

Never say never, always try to see if there is an opportunity to go around the problem if you can't go across it.

The U.S. is where I was given the greatest opportunity to turn my life from a very nice one to an exceptional one.

I've certainly had many more opportunities than I deserved, but luckily enough I ended up making the right choices.

After my crash I never doubted it would be hard but I would be lying to say this new life has been a surprise to me.

It warms my heart, no doubt, to inspire people. In reality, people see in others what they want to see in themselves.

I believe the perfect life is the right combination between great things, great success and stupid mistakes or failures.

Today, I don't have any psychological scars, because I am a realist and an optimist. After all, I can't lose my legs twice.

Once you put everything in the right perspective, even bad times can be an opportunity to refresh your appetite, your desire.

It makes me feel great when I'm driving and talking to my wife, and I look in the mirror, and my son is sleeping in the back.

In comparison to an able-bodied person, it's incredible, the amount of extra resistance I have, in comparison to an able body.

It may look weird to an outsider to watch me jump out of the car basically walking on my arms. Of course, it's very easy for me.

Daytona has some of the greatest fans in the world and many remember me from some of the things I've done in this wonderful country.

When I first climbed into a go-kart, aged 13, I thought to myself: 'This is what I want to do with my life, and I want to drive F1.'

When I returned to the Touring Car championship, I got the team to create a special brake pedal that I could use with my prosthetic leg.

After I finished racing in the United States, I received a lot of criticism for being dangerous, a little bit stupid, insane, you name it.

I certainly enjoy quite a few times the taste of the snow as I slam my face a few times in the snow trying to ski and trying impress people.

When you find yourself in a certain situation you have to identify where you want to go and focus on what you can achieve on that given day.

Formula One is not sport. Formula One is only intense competition between teams where the competition is really the research, the technology.

I have always had a very smooth driving style. But when I started competing as a disabled driver, I had to take that even more to the extreme.

I will do something, time to time, with motor racing. But I'll never go back, I think, to drive full-time because I've lost that anger, that desire.

First time you step on these new legs, it's bloody hard. It's painful on your pelvic bones. But every day I get more of a feel for where my feet are.

My never-say-never attitude has helped me a lot. That's why after a short period after the accident, I'm capable of doing almost everything on my own.

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