Belarus cannot be isolated.

I am not afraid of mass media.

American democracy has two faces.

Dictators don't come from elections.

It's better to be a dictator than gay.

I am for a single and unified Ukraine.

If someone is a lesbian, it's man's fault.

It took centuries to form the German order.

We will never have Russian-style privatization.

I have never moved away from my promises to people.

There is no scope for revolutions coming to Belarus.

A thug only understands you when you speak his language

The arms business is an absolutely acceptable business.

I have always believed that genuine democracy is fairness.

I'm an advocate of evolutionary, not revolutionary, changes.

The history of Germany is a mold for the history of Belarus.

Permit me to be immodest, but I did something for this country.

The basis of my politics is, first of all, fairness and honesty.

If we put people to work and they are busy, we will have less crime.

I tried to be honest and fair, helped the talented and those in need.

During the years of my presidency, I lived a tough and difficult life.

There are dictators a bit worse than me, no? I'm the lesser evil already.

I am sure that it is the Belarus people who are the masters in our state.

No matter who comes to Belarusian land, I will fight. Even if it is Putin.

The sanctions which the West introduced against Russia seriously affect us.

For the sake of calm in the country, I am ready to sacrifice my own sanity.

We cannot allow any uncontrolled situation and destabilization in the country.

I have only you, the people of Belarus, and I will serve to the last of my days.

You need to control the country, and the main thing is not to ruin people's lives.

Milosevic was an outstanding politician who gave his all to serving his fatherland.

An authoritarian style of rule is characteristic of me, and I have always admitted it.

We will not have Americans telling us what to do... We cannot be brought to our knees.

As soon as people decline my services, I'll put my briefcase under my arm, and I'll be off.

From my point of view, this is the best time of the year. I don't love heat. I'm a winter guy.

Unlike in the U.K. or France or America, we've never used water cannon for mass riots dispersal.

We have to destroy stereotypes in people's minds that Belarus can be isolated or taught a lesson.

We are trying to work around the world. We would like very much to cooperate with the United States.

We have fulfilled all our agreements and all the conditions set by the IMF better than any other state.

We do not need an imported system for falsifying elections! We will create our own, one run by the state!

The color revolution virus affects only weak countries. Belarus does not have any breeding ground for this.

The Belarussian people trust their army and are confident in the reliability of the national security system.

Whoever was shouting about dictatorship there... when I heard that, I thought: it's better to be a dictator than gay.

Belarus will become the first government in the world that opens wide opportunities for the use of blockchain technology.

My position and the state will never allow me to become a dictator, but an authoritarian ruling style is characteristic of me.

Belarus is not the Middle East. The policies of Belarussian and Middle Eastern leaders are cardinally different from one another.

Look outside the window. Do you see the fence outside the palace? Do you see any guards? This is a country where everyone is safe.

We have always argued that attempts to isolate Belarus, like other countries, lead to a dead end. In this situation, everyone loses.

I believe it is important for both Russia and Europe that Belarus is a sovereign, independent state where Europeans can feel at home.

We will remain independent for as long as our economy develops as needed. We won't be able to maintain our independence if we ruin the economy.

We have rigged the latest election. 93.5 per cent have voted for Lukashenko. But they say it is not a European outcome. We have made it 86 per cent.

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