It is sometimes easier to be happy if you don't know everything.

It is sometimes easier to be happy if you don't know everything.

I am capable of being idle.

Edinburgh used to be a haughty city.

Everything has been something before.

There is room in history for all of us.

There is plenty of work for love to do.

Self-pity does not appreciate pedantry.

Talking about pumpkins doesn't make them grow.

I am easily persuaded to continue to have fun.

She was made for untidy rooms and rumpled beds.

At night we are all strangers, even to ourselves.

A very powerful theme in fiction is that of loss.

Dogs are in on our human silliness; lions are not.

Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society.

Painters aren't expected to paint bleak pictures, are they?

I'm interested in character and dialogue and exchange of ideas.

New York is a wonderful place to be up, an awful place to be down.

We are all tempted, Mma. We are all tempted when it comes to cake.

It's a different sort of love taht puts up with illness. Old love.

Writers obviously have to bear witness to the harsh face of the age.

The point of opera is that people are moved by the emotions and music.

Who can't like pigs? They're wonderful creatures! I've always liked pigs.

We think the world is ours forever, but we are little more than squatters.

The wider your readership, the greater the chances of offending your readers.

Oh I love gadgets and I pride myself on keeping at the cutting edge of technology.

I cannot see myself in a new car. I am a tiny white van person. That is what i want!

I enjoy women's conversation, and I think that helps me to describe them in fiction.

Serial novels have an unexpected effect; they hook the writer as well as the reader.

Any author of fiction will tell you that characters don't need to be told what to do.

Small things may be important to us; to be a sometime anything is sometimes something.

That my philosophy of life is, as far as possible, one of enjoyment. I'm not nihilistic.

You do not have to ladle on the impasto to make a point about human frailty or ambitions.

Do not take on a traditionally built person unless you are prepared for a heavyweight bout.

If you lose sight of the smaller accomplishments, you end up with an imbalance in your life.

There was a distinction between lying and telling half-truths, but it was a very narrow one.

If you lose sight of the smaller accomplishments , you end up with an imbalance in your life.

I'm very interested in tea. I wouldn't mind being involved in some aspect of the tea industry.

I have three older sisters, so we were a reasonably large family and, in general, a happy one.

There are old mycologists and there are bold mycologists, but there are no old, bold mycologists.

But don't we often lie to people we love, or not tell them things, precisely because we love them?

International business, once allowed to stalk uncontrolled, killed the local, the small, the quirky.

Some of my characters are a mixture of various aspects of people I have met. others are pure invention.

Life consists of positive and negative features, and I think that it is permissible to write about both.

I see no point in being despondent. We might as well enjoy ourselves during our brief tenure of this life.

If your ceiling should fall down, then you have lost a room, but gained a courtyard. Think of it that way.

The local community is very important in one's life; the feelings of identification with a place and people.

Simple questions--and simple answers--were what we needed in life. That was what Mma Ramotswe believed. Yes.

The point about love, the essential point, was that we loved what we loved. We did not choose. We just loved.

The telling of a story, like virtually everything in this life, was always made all the easier by a cup of tea.

Lou knew that joy unshared was a halved emotion, just as sadness and loss, when borne alone, were often doubled.

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